What does the name Jacek mean? What is the meaning of the name Jacek?
Meaning of Jacek: Name Jacek in the Polish origin, means Like a hycianth flower. Name Jacek is of Polish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jacek are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Jacek (Namesakes)
- Jacek Wiśniewski
Jacek Wiśniewski (born 7 June 1974) is a Polish former footballer.
- Jacek Fedorowicz
Jacek Jan Fedorowicz (born 18 July 1937) is a Polish satirist and actor.
- Jacek Koman
Jacek Koman (born 15 August 1956) is a Polish Australian actor and singer.
- Jacek Dąbrowski
Jacek Dąbrowski (born 22 February 1974 in Otwock) is a Polish footballer who plays for Mazur Karczew.
- Jacek Dukaj
Jacek Dukaj (born 30 July 1974) is a Polish science fiction and fantasy writer.
- Jacek Krzynówek
Jacek Krzynówek (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjatsɛk kʂɨˈnuvɛk]; born 15 May 1976) is a former Polish footballer.
- Jacek Bąk
Jacek Waldemar Bąk (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjatsɛɡ ˈbɔŋk]; born 24 March 1973) is a Polish former professional footballer who played as a central defender.
- Jacek Majchrowski
Jacek Maria Majchrowski (born 13 January 1947 in Sosnowiec) is a Polish politician and the current Mayor of the Royal Capital City of Kraków since 2002 (reelected in 2006, 2010, 2014 and in 2018), a lawyer and historian, and a professor at Jagiellonian University.
- Jacek Berensztajn
Jacek Berensztajn (born 16 October 1973 in Piotrków Trybunalski) is a retired Polish professional footballer who played for GKS Bełchatów, Odra Wodzisław Śląski and Zagłębie Sosnowiec in the Polish Ekstraklasa.
- Jacek Dembiński
- Jacek Ratajczak
Jacek Ratajczak (born 10 July 1973) is a retired Polish football Forward.
- Jacek Frąckiewicz
Jacek Frąckiewicz (born 19 September 1969) is a former Polish footballer.
Frąckiewicz, born in Sztum, played 11 games and scored two goals in the 1987–88 Ekstraklasa with Lechia Gdańsk in his native Poland before moving to Germany, aged 19, where he spent the rest of his career.
- Jacek Bromski
Jacek Bromski (born 19 December 1946) is a Polish film director.
- Jacek Góralski
- Jacek Kopczyński
Jacek Kopczyński (born 11 August 1971, in Łódź) – is a Polish theater, film and voice actor.
- Jacek Braciak
Jacek Braciak (born 12 May 1968) is a Polish film and theater actor.
- Jacek Jaśkowiak
Jacek Jaśkowiak (born 10 March 1964) is a Polish politician and entrepreneur.
- Jacek Sutryk
Jacek Zbigniew Sutryk (born 17 September 1978, Wrocław) is a Polish politician and sociologist.
- Jacek Rozenek
Jacek Rozenek (born March 31, 1969, Warsaw, Poland) is a Polish stage, movie, television and voice actor.
- Jacek Bednarz
Jacek Bednarz (born 5 June 1967) is a retired Polish football midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Jacek Numerology: Name Jacek has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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