What does the name Jaap mean? What is the meaning of the name Jaap
Meaning of Jaap: Name Jaap in the Hebrew, Dutch origin, means One who is a supplanter. Name Jaap is of Hebrew, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Jaap are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Jaap (Namesakes)
- Jaap Reesink
Jaap Reesink (born 22 August 1946) is a retired Dutch rower.
- Jaap Oudkerk
Jacob "Jaap" Oudkerk (born 2 August 1937) is a retired cyclist from the Netherlands.
- Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Jakob Gijsbert "Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer ([ˈjaːb də ˈɦoːp ˈsxɛfər] (listen); born 3 April 1948) is a retired Dutch politician and diplomat of the Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) party and jurist.
- Jaap Stam
Jakob "Jaap" Stam (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈjaːp ˈstɑm]; born 17 July 1972) is a Dutch professional football manager and former player who played as a centre-back.
- Jaap Davids
Jaap Davids (born 1 December 1984 in Bergharen, Gelderland) is a Dutch footballer.
- Jaap van Lagen
Jaap van Lagen (born 22 December 1976 in Ede) is a Dutch racing driver, who is a former competitor in the Formula Renault 3.5 Series and a former Eurocup Megane Trophy champion.
- Jaap Stockmann
Jacob "Jaap" Stockmann (born 24 July 1984) is a retired Dutch field hockey player, who played as a goalkeeper for the Dutch national team.
- Jaap Reesema
Jaap Reesema (born 28 October 1984), professionally known as Jake Reese, is a Dutch singer-songwriter.
- Jaap Amesz
Jaap Amesz (born 6 September 1982 in Brielle) is a Dutch television personality.
- Jaap van Duijn
Jaap van Duijn (Katwijk, 23 December 1990) is a Dutch footballer who plays as a striker.
- Jaap Zielhuis
Jacob Dirk "Jaap" Zielhuis (born 2 July 1966 in Heerde) is a sailor from the Netherlands.
- Jaap Smit
Jaap Smit (born 8 March 1957) is a Dutch preacher, manager and since 1 January 2014 the King's Commissioner of South Holland.
- Jaap Kersten
Jaap Kersten (born 10 November 1934) is a Dutch former professional racing cyclist.
- Jaap van den Herik
Hendrik Jacob (Jaap) van den Herik (born 8 October 1947 in Rotterdam) is a Dutch computer scientist, and professor at the University of Leiden, known for his contribution in the fields of computer chess and artificial intelligence.
- Eadbhard
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Jaap Numerology: Name Jaap has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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