What does the name Izabela mean? What is the meaning of the name Izabela
Meaning of Izabela: Name Izabela in the Romanian, Russian origin, means A variant of Isabella, meaning devoted to God.. Name Izabela is of Romanian, Russian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Izabela are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Izabela: A variant of Isabella, meaning devoted to God.
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Famous people with name Izabela (Namesakes)
- Izabela Trojanowska
Izabela Ludwika Trojanowska (born Izabela Ludwika Schütz; 22 April 1955) is a Polish singer and film actress, best known for her 1980 hits "Tyle samo prawd ile kłamstw" and "Wszystko czego dziś chcę", as well as her acting in the popular Polish soap opera Klan.
- Izabela Bełcik
Izabela Monika Bełcik (born 29 November 1980) is a Polish female volleyball player, a member of Poland women's national volleyball team in 1999-2014, double European Champion (2003, 2005), bronze medalist of the European Championship 2009, four-time Polish Champion (2008, 2009, 2012, 2013).
- Izabela Lăcătuș
Izabela Daniela Lăcătuş (born October 2, 1976, in Bucharest, Romania) is a retired Romanian artistic and aerobic gymnast.
- Izabela Dragneva
Izabela Dragneva-Rifatova (Bulgarian: Изабела Драгнева-Рифатова; born October 1, 1971 in Varna) is a retired female weightlifter from Bulgaria, who is best known for being the first female weightlifter to be stripped of her medal and results and disqualified from an Olympic games for cheating.
- Izabela Lojna
- Izabela Prudzienica
Izabela Prudzienica (born 27 May 1985) is a Polish handball player for Energa AZS Koszalin and the Polish national team.
- Izabela Lemańczyk
Izabela Lemańczyk (née Śliwa) (born 11 December 1990) is a female Polish volleyball player who plays for MKS Dąbrowa Górnicza.
- Izabela Kowalińska
Izabela Żebrowska Kowalińska (born (1985-02-23)23 February 1985) is a Polish female volleyball player, playing as an opposite.
- Izabela Vidovic
Izabela Vidovic (Croatian: Izabela Vidović; born May 27, 2001) is an American actress and singer.
- Izabela Campos
Izabela Campos (born 11 April 1981) is a Brazilian female visually impaired F11/12 shot putter and discus thrower.
- Izabela Trzaskalska
Izabela Trzaskalska (born 9 January 1988) is a Polish long distance runner.
- Izabela Zatorska
Izabela Zatorska (born 6 October 1962) is a Polish female mountain runner three-time winner of the WMRA World Cup (2001, 2004, 2005).
- Izabela Zubko
Izabela Zubko (born June 1974) is a Polish poet.
- Izabela Burczyk
Izabela Burczyk (born 29 June 1972) is a Polish swimmer.
- Izabela Kuna
Izabela Kuna (born 25 November 1970, Tomaszów Mazowiecki) is a Polish film, television and theatre actress as well as a blogger.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Izabela Numerology: Name Izabela has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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