What does the name Ivano mean? What is the meaning of the name Ivano
Meaning of Ivano: Name Ivano in the Italian, Croatian origin, means A form of John, meaning God is gracious.. Name Ivano is of Italian, Croatian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ivano are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ivano: A form of John, meaning God is gracious.
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Famous people with name Ivano (Namesakes)
- Ivano Marescotti
Ivano Marescotti (born 4 February 1946) is an Italian actor.
- Ivano Brugnetti
Ivano Brugnetti (born 1 September 1976 in Milan) is an Italian former race walker.
- Ivano Bonetti
Ivano Bonetti (born 1 August 1964) is an Italian football manager and former midfielder.
- Ivano Bordon
Ivano Bordon (Italian pronunciation: [iˈvaːno borˈdon; -ˈdɔn]; born 13 April 1951) is an Italian former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Ivano Balić
Ivano Balić (born 1 April 1979) is a former Croatian professional handballer, World and Olympic champion.
- Ivano Fossati
Ivano Alberto Fossati (born 21 September 1951) is an Italian pop singer from Genoa.
- Ivano Trotta
Ivano Trotta (born 12 December 1977 in Rome), is an Italian football manager and former player, who played as a central midfielder.
- Ivano Della Morte
Ivano Della Morte (born 13 October 1974 in Cirié, Piedmont) is an Italian association football former player, and currently a manager.
- Ivano Baldanzeddu
Ivano Baldanzeddu (born 11 April 1986) is an Italian football defender.
- Ivano Ciano
Ivano Ciano (born 3 May 1983 in San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy) is an Italian footballer.
- Ivano Edalini
Ivano Edalini (born 20 August 1961) is an Italian former alpine skier.
- Ivano Bucci
Ivano Bucci (born December 1, 1986) is a Sammarinese sprinter, who specialized in the 400 metres.
- Ivano Newbill
Ivano Miguel Newbill (born December 12, 1970 in Sedalia, Missouri) is a retired professional basketball forward who played three seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the Detroit Pistons (1994–95), the Atlanta Hawks (1996–97) and the Vancouver Grizzlies (1997–98).
- Ivano Maffei
Ivano Maffei (born 24 September 1958) is an Italian former cyclist.
- Ivano Zasio
Ivano Zasio (born 6 April 1973) is an Italian lightweight rower.
- Ivano Zanatta
Ivano Zanatta (born 3 August 1960) is an Italian ice hockey player.
- Ivano Bamberghi
Ivano Bamberghi (born 13 January 1949) is an Italian speed skater.
- Ivano Marzola
Ivano Marzola (born 5 October 1963) is an Italian former alpine skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Ivano Numerology: Name Ivano has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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