What does the name Isabella mean? What is the meaning of the name Isabella
Meaning of Isabella: Name Isabella in the Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Spanish origin, means God is perfection, or God is my oath. Name Isabella is of Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Isabella are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Isabella (Namesakes)
- Isabella Rossellini
Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini (born 18 June 1952) is an Italian-American actress, filmmaker, author, philanthropist, and model.
- Isabella Leong
Luísa Isabella Nolasco da Silva Leong Lok-yau (born 23 June 1988), better known as Isabella Leong, is a Macanese-born, Hong Kong-based actress and former singer.
- Isabella Hofmann
Isabella Hofmann (born December 11, 1958) is an American actress.
- Isabella Calthorpe
Isabella Amaryllis Charlotte Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe (born 3 March 1980) is an English socialite, actress and model.
- Princess Isabella of Denmark
Princess Isabella of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat (Isabella Henrietta Ingrid Margrethe; born 21 April 2007), is the second child and elder daughter of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary.
- Isabella Acres
- Isabella Summers
Isabella Janet Florentina Summers (born 31 October 1980) is an English musician, singer, songwriter, producer, remixer and member of English indie rock band Florence and the Machine.
- Isabella Löwengrip
Isabella Desirée Löwengrip, also known as "Blondinbella", is a Swedish entrepreneur, author, lecturer and blogger.
- Isabella Boylston
Hildur Isabella Boylston is an American ballet dancer who is currently a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre (ABT).
- Isabella Ferrari
Isabella Ferrari (born 31 March 1964), is the stage name of Isabella Fogliazza, an Italian actress of television, theatre and the cinema.
- Kira Isabella
Kira Isabella Wilkie, who is known by her stage name Kira Isabella is a Canadian country music artist.
- Isabella Castillo
Isabella Castillo Díaz (born 23 December 1994), best known by her stage name Isabella Castillo, is a singer and actress born in Havana, Cuba.
- Mia Isabella
Mia Isabella (born July 30, 1985) is an American transgender former pornographic actress.
- Isabella Rice
Isabella Kai Rice is an American child actress, best known for her role of young Alison DiLaurentis in the series Pretty Little Liars and Sarah Compton in True Blood.
- Isabella Cramp
Isabella Veneranda-Patricia Cramp (born December 18, 2004), also known as, Isabella Crovetti and Isabella Crovetti-Cramp, is an American teen actress.
- Isabella Gomez
Isabella Gomez (born February 9, 1998) is a Colombian-American actress, best known for starring as Elena Alvarez in the Netflix original series One Day at a Time.
- Isabella Tena
Isabella Tena Nava (born January 27, 2007 in Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican child actress.
Tena has participated in a series of telenovelas and theater plays, among them Mi corazon es tuyo alongside Jorge Salinas, Sueño de amor (where she acted alongside Julian Gil and in which her birthday was celebrated during an early recording of the show) and Mi marido tiene familia, alongside actress Silvia Pinal.
- Andy Isabella
Andy Isabella (born November 18, 1996) is an American football wide receiver for the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Isabella Numerology: Name Isabella has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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