What does the name Irie mean? What is the meaning of the name Irie
Meaning of Irie: Name Irie in the Jamaican origin, means Cool, or the one who believes in spreading peace or harmony .. Name Irie is of Jamaican origin and is a Girl name. People with name Irie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Irie (Namesakes)
- Vince Irie
Vince Irie is a singer-songwriter born and raised on Aruba.
- Saaya Irie
Saaya Irie (入江紗綾, Irie Saaya, born November 15, 1993) is a Japanese actress, voice actress, gravure idol and singer.
- Ryosuke Irie
Ryosuke Irie (入江 陵介, Irie Ryōsuke, born 24 January 1990) is a Japanese competitive swimmer who competes in backstroke events.
- Irie Love
Irie Love (born July 7, 1982) is an American R&B Reggae singer and songwriter.
- Yasuhiro Irie
Yasuhiro Irie (入江 泰浩, Irie Yasuhiro, born March 30, 1971) is a Japanese animator, character designer and anime director.
- Toru Irie
Toru Irie (入江 徹, Irie Toru, born July 8, 1977) is a former Japanese football player.
- Toshikazu Irie
Toshikazu Irie (入江 利和, Irie Toshikazu, born November 11, 1984) is a former Japanese football player.
- Yu Irie
Yu Irie (入江 悠, Irie Yū, born November 25, 1979) is a Japanese film director / screenwriter who was born in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, and grew up in Fukaya, Saitama Prefecture.
- Jamie Irie
Jamie Buckley Saysell (born 24 July 1965 in Cheltenham), better known by his stage name Jamie Irie, is a reggae artist from Coney Hill, Gloucester, England.
- Tsutomu Irie
Tsutomu Irie (born 6 May 1948) is a Japanese professional golfer.
- Takashi Irie
Takashi Irie (Japanese: 入江 隆, born May 10, 1958) is a retired Japanese light-flyweight freestyle wrestler.
- Shigehiro Irie
Shigehiro Irie (入江 茂弘, Irie Shigehiro, born March 28, 1988) is a Japanese professional wrestler and former mixed martial artist best known for his work in DDT Pro-Wrestling (DDT).
- Jingi Irie
Jingi Irie (入江 甚儀, Irie Jingi, born 18 May 1993, in Tokyo) is a Japanese actor.
- Atsuo Irie
Atsuo Irie (入江 淳夫, Irie Atsuo, born 31 October 1937) is a Japanese ice hockey player.
- Nanami Irie
Nanami Irie (入江 ななみ, Irie Nanami, born 8 January 1995) is a Japanese sport wrestler who competes in the women's freestyle category.
- Gouna Irie
Gouna Irie (born 15 May 1970) is an Ivorian handball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Irie Numerology: Name Irie has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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