What does the name Ingeborg mean? What is the meaning of the name Ingeborg
Meaning of Ingeborg: Name Ingeborg in the Norway origin, means Of the goddess Frøy. Name Ingeborg is of Norway origin and is a Girl name. People with name Ingeborg are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Ingeborg (Namesakes)
- Grete Ingeborg Nykkelmo
Grete Ingeborg Nykkelmo (born 25 December 1961) is a former biathlete and cross-country skier from Norway.
- Ingeborg Sørensen
Ingeborg Sørensen (born 16 May 1948 in Drammen, Norway) is a Norwegian model.
- Ingeborg Gjærum
Ingeborg Gjærum (born 16 April 1985) is a Norwegian environmentalist.
- Ingeborg Hovland
Ingeborg Hovland (born October 3, 1969) is a former Norwegian footballer who played as a goalkeeper for Klepp IL of the Toppserien.
- Ingeborg (singer)
Ingeborg (born Ingeborg Thérèse Marguerite Sergeant, 15 October 1966, Menen) is a Belgian singer and television presenter, best known outside Belgium for her participation in the 1989 Eurovision Song Contest.
- Ingeborg Gräßle
Ingeborg Helen Gräßle (born 2 March 1961) is a German politician who served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 2004 until 2019.
- Ingeborg De Meulemeester
Ingeborg De Meulemeester (born 14 April 1965, in Kortrijk) is a Belgian politician and is affiliated to the N-VA. She was elected as a member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives in 2010.
- Ingeborg Schöner
Ingeborg Schöner is a German film and television actress.
- Ingeborg Botnen
Ingeborg Botnen (born 9 February 1934) is a Norwegian politician for the Norwegian Labour Party.
- Ingeborg Midttømme
Ingeborg Synnøve Midttømme (born 1961) is a Norwegian Lutheran bishop for the Diocese of Møre in the Church of Norway.
- Ingeborg Körner
Ingeborg Körner is a Namibian-born German actress.
- Ingeborg Løvnes
Ingeborg Løvnes (born 5 September 1992) is a Norwegian athlete specialising in the 3000 metres steeplechase.
She is a daughter of middle-distance runner Kirsti Voldnes.
- Ingeborg Marx
Ingeborg Marx (born (1970-04-24)24 April 1970 in Hasselt) was a Belgian female weightlifter, competing in the 58 kg category and representing Belgium at international competitions.
- Ingeborg Renner
Ingeborg Renner (born 2 August 1946) is a German former swimmer.
- Ingeborg Schwalbe
Ingeborg Schwalbe (born 1 November 1935) is a German athlete.
- Ingeborg Løyning
Ingeborg Vassbakk Løyning (born 13 September 2000) is a Norwegian swimmer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Ingeborg Numerology: Name Ingeborg has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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