What does the name Im mean? What is the meaning of the name Im
Meaning of Im: Name Im in the Norway, Norse origin, means Name of a mythical giant.. Name Im is of Norway, Norse origin and is a Boy name. People with name Im are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Im (Namesakes)
- Im Se-mi
Im Se-mi (born May 29, 1987) is a South Korean actress.
- Im Soo-jung
Im Soo-jung (born July 11, 1979) is a South Korean actress.
- Im Ho
Im Ho (Korean: 임호; born January 27, 1970) is a South Korean actor, best known for his roles in the television series Jang Hui-bin (1995) and Dae Jang Geum (2003).
- Im Yoon-ah
Im Yoon-ah (Hangul: 임윤아; born May 30, 1990), known mononymously as Yoona, is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Sang A Im-Propp
Sang A Im-Propp (Korean name: Im Sang-a, Hangul: 임상아, Hanja: 林尚雅; born February 25, 1973) is a New York City-based fashion designer and former pop singer from South Korea.
- Lim Ju-hwan
Lim Ju-hwan (Korean: 임주환; born May 18, 1982) is a South Korean actor.
- Im Ye-jin
Im Ye-jin (born Im Ki-hee on December 26, 1959) is a South Korean actress.
- Im Soo-hyang
Im Soo-hyang (Korean: 임수향; born April 19, 1990) is a South Korean actress.
- Lim Ju-eun
Lim Ju-eun (Korean: 임주은; born January 7, 1988) is a South Korean actress.
- Im Si-wan
Im Si-wan (Korean: 임시완; Hanja: 任時完; born on December 1, 1988), known mononymously as Siwan, is a South Korean singer and actor.
- Im Tae-kyung
Im Tae-Kyung (Hangul: 임태경; born July 4, 1973) is a South Korean musical actor, and crossover tenor.
- Im Won-hee
Im Won-hee (born October 11, 1970) is a South Korean actor.
- Dami Im
Dami Im ( DAH-mee IM, Korean: 임다미; RR: Im Da-mi, IPA: [im‿da.mi]; born 17 October 1988) is a Korean-born Australian singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist performing artist.
- Lee Tae-im
Lee Tae-im (born September 2, 1986) is a South Korean actress.
- Im Ha-ryong
Im Ha-ryong (born Im Han-yong on October 31, 1952) is a South Korean actor and comedian.
- Im Hyuk
Im Hyuk (born Im Jung-hyuk on May 31, 1949) is a South Korean actor.
- Emiola
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Im Numerology: Name Im has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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