What does the name Hussein mean? What is the meaning of the name Hussein
Meaning of Hussein: Name Hussein in the Arabic origin, means He is a beautiful and good person. Name Hussein is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hussein are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hussein (Namesakes)
- Princess Iman bint ِHussein
Princess Iman bint Hussein (born 24 April 1983) is a Jordanian princess.
- Prince Hamzah bin Hussein
Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, (Arabic: حمزة بن الحسين) (born 29 March 1980) is the elder son of King Hussein of Jordan and his American-born fourth wife, Queen Noor.
- Princess Muna al-Hussein
Princess Muna Al-Hussein (born Toni Avril Gardiner; 25 April 1941) is the mother of King Abdullah II of Jordan.
- Waris Hussein
Waris Hussein (born Waris Habibullah, 9 December 1938), is a British-Indian television director and film director, whose work has included early episodes of Doctor Who and the Thames Television serial Edward and Mrs Simpson (1978).
- Hishammuddin Hussein
Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein (Jawi: هشام الدين بن حسين; born 5 August 1961) is a Malaysian politician in the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), and currently serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs since 10 March 2020.
- Haya bint Hussein
Princess Haya bint Hussein (Arabic: الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين; born 3 May 1974), commonly known as HRH Princess Haya of Jordan, is the daughter of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife Queen Alia, and the half-sister of King Abdullah II.
She is a graduate of the University of Oxford in England and an accomplished equestrian.
- Princess Alia bint Hussein
Princess Alia bint Hussein (born 13 February 1956) is the eldest child of King Hussein of Jordan.
- Prince Hashim bin Hussein
Prince Hashim bin Hussein (born 10 June 1981) is the younger of the two sons of King Hussein and Queen Noor of Jordan.
- Hussein Chalayan
Hussein Chalayan (; Turkish: Hüseyin Çağlayan [hyseˈjin tʃaːlaˈjan]; born 8 August 1970) is a Turkish Cypriot/British fashion designer.
- Hussein Abdulghani
Hussein Omar Abdulghani Sulaimani (Arabic: حسين عمر عبد الغني سليماني; born 21 January 1977 in Jeddah) is a Saudi Arabian football player who currently plays as a defender for Al-Ahli in the Saudi Professional League.
- Hussein, Crown Prince of Jordan
Hussein bin Abdullah (Arabic: حسين بن عبد الله, Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbdullāh; born 28 June 1994) is the heir apparent of King Abdullah II of Jordan.
- Hussein Hussein
Hussein ("Hussy") Hussein (born 29 September 1975) in Sydney, New South Wales) is a retired male boxer from Australia.
- Mirhan Hussein
Mirhan Hussein Bassyouni Ahmed (Arabic: ميرهان حسين) is an Egyptian singer and actress.
- Alaa Hussein
Alaa Hussein (Arabic: آلاء حسين), (born 10 January 1980) is an Iraqi actress, and visual artist.
- Huda Hussein
Huda Hussein (Arabic: هدى حسين; born 20 August 1965), also known as Al-Malika, is a Kuwaiti actress and producer.
- Faizal Hussein
Mohd Faizal Hussein (born 31 May 1967) is a Malaysian actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Hussein Numerology: Name Hussein has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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