What does the name Hung mean? What is the meaning of the name Hung
Meaning of Hung: Name Hung in the Vietnamese origin, means brave. Name Hung is of Vietnamese origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hung are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hung (Namesakes)
- Hung Liu
Hung Liu (刘虹) (born February 17, 1948) is a Chinese-born American contemporary artist.
- Sammo Hung
Sammo Hung (born 7 January 1952), also known as Hung Kam-bo (洪金寶), is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, film producer and director, known for his work in many martial arts films and Hong Kong action cinema.
- Brotha Lynch Hung
Kevin Danell Mann (born January 10, 1969), better known by his stage name Brotha Lynch Hung, is an American rapper and record producer from Sacramento, California known for his gallows humor and horror-themed lyrics.
- William Hung
William Hung, also known as Hung Hing Cheong (born January 13, 1983), is a Hong Kong-born American former singer who gained fame in early 2004 as a result of his unsuccessful audition performance of Ricky Martin's hit song "She Bangs" on the third season of the television series American Idol.
- Tran Anh Hung
Trần Anh Hùng (born December 23, 1962) is a Vietnamese-born French film director.
- Hung Pham
Hung Pham or Hung Kim Pham (born Phạm Kim Hưng; October 2, 1963 in Saigon) is a former politician and information expert in Alberta, Canada.
- Hui Shiu-hung
Hui Shiu-hung (Cantonese Yale: Héui Siuh-hùhng; born 4 November 1948), also known as Benz Hui, is a Hong Kong actor who currently works for TVB. He previously worked with ATV before switching over to TVB.
- Timmy Hung
Timmy Hung Tin-ming (born 1 July 1974) is a Hong Kong actor.
- Lynn Hung
Xiong Dailin (熊黛林, born 10 October 1980), better known as Lynn Hung, is a Hong Kong-based fashion model and actress originally from mainland China.
Born in Nanjing, China, Hung moved her base of modeling activities to Hong Kong in 2006 and began working there mainly in the runway scene, becoming known as a top model, and beginning her acting career in 2008.
She became well known as the girlfriend of Aaron Kwok, a singer known as one of Hong Kong's "Four Heavenly Kings" from 2006 to 2013.
Hong Kong press reported in 2009 that she was the #4 highest-paid model in Greater China, next to Hong Kong's Gaile Lai (#3), Chinese Jennifer Du (#2), and Taiwanese Lin Chi-ling (#1).
- Osman Hung
Osman Hung Chi-kit (born 20 March 1979) is a Hong Kong actor and singer-songwriter of the Cantopop group EO2.
- Tony Hung
Tony Hung Wing-sing (born 6 December 1983) is a Hong Kong TVB actor.
- Bruce Hung
Bruce Hung (Chinese: 禾浩辰; pinyin: Hé Hàochén; born 7 September 1990) is a Taiwanese actor.
- Chris Hung
Chris Hung (Chinese: 洪榮宏; born 19 March 1963) is a Taiwanese enka and Hokkien pop singer.
- Emily Hung
Emily Hung (born Hung Yu-han; Chinese: 洪棠; pinyin: Hóng Táng) is a Taiwanese actress.
- Francesca Hung
Francesca Hung (born 25 April 1994) is an Australian actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Universe Australia 2018.
- Eric Hung
Eric Hung (Chinese: 洪敬堯; born 1 November 1967) is a Taiwanese music producer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Hung Numerology: Name Hung has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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