What does the name Humberto mean? What is the meaning of the name Humberto
Meaning of Humberto: Name Humberto in the Portuguese, Spanish origin, means famous fighter. Name Humberto is of Portuguese, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Humberto are usually Islam, Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Humberto (Namesakes)
- Humberto Martins
Humberto Martins Duarte (born 14 April 1961) is a Brazilian actor.
- Humberto González
Humberto González (born March 25, 1966) is a Mexican former world boxing champion.
- Humberto Coelho
Humberto Manuel de Jesus Coelho (born 20 April 1950) is a Portuguese retired footballer and manager.
- Humberto Zurita
Humberto Zurita (born September 2, 1954, Spanish pronunciation: [umˈbeɾto suˈɾita]) is a Mexican actor, director and producer.
- Humberto Soto
Armando Humberto Soto Ochoa (born May 11, 1980), best known as Humberto Soto, is a Mexican professional boxer.
- Humberto Moreira
Humberto Moreira Valdés (born 28 July 1966) is a Mexican politician who served as President of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
- Humberto Maturana
Humberto Maturana (born September 14, 1928) is a Chilean biologist turned philosopher.
- Humberto Vélez
Francisco Humberto Vélez Montiel (born March 30, 1955) is a Mexican voice actor who is most widely known for dubbing the voice of Homer Simpson in the Latin American version of The Simpsons.
- Humberto Mendoza
Humberto Antonio Mendoza (born October 2, 1984) is a Colombian football defender currently playing for Envigado FC.
- Humberto Castro
Humberto Castro (born Humberto Jesús Castro García in 1957 in Havana, Cuba) is an important Cuban painter.
- Humberto Foguinho
Humberto Daniel Soares Martelo , commonly known as Humberto Foguinho , (born 31 October 1978) is a Brazilian footballer.
- Thiago Humberto
Thiago Humberto Gomes (born July 6, 1985 in Lins), usually known as Thiago Humberto, is a Brazilian football attacking midfielder, who plays for Linense.
- Jorge Humberto
Jorge Humberto Raggi (born 17 February 1938), known as Humberto, is a Portuguese retired professional footballer who played as a striker.
- Humberto Toledo
Humberto Toledo Valverde (born August 10, 1979 in Esmeraldas, Ecuador) is a professional Ecuadorian boxer in the Light Welterweight division.
- Humberto Leon
Humberto Leon (born June 7, 1975) is an American fashion designer, retailer and creative director, working in partnership with Carol Lim.
Leon and Lim founded the fashion retailer Opening Ceremony in 2002 in Lower Manhattan.
- Humberto Bandenay
Humberto Bandenay (born September 4, 1994) is a Peruvian mixed martial artist (MMA) who is best known for competing in the Featherweight division in the UFC.
- Humberto Carrillo
Humberto Garza Carrillo (born October 20, 1995) is a Mexican professional wrestler signed to WWE, where he performs on the Raw brand.
- Humberto Tan
Humberto Tan-A-Kiam (born 26 October 1965), better known as Humberto Tan, is a Dutch radio and television presenter, sports journalist and writer of Surinamese descent.
- Humberto Carrão
Humberto Halbout Carrão Sinoti (born August 28, 1991) is a Brazilian actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Humberto Numerology: Name Humberto has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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