What does the name Hudson mean? What is the meaning of the name Hudson
Meaning of Hudson: Name Hudson in the English, American origin, means Son of Hudd; Son of Hugh. Name Hudson is of English, American origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hudson (Namesakes)
- Kate Hudson
Kate Garry Hudson (born April 19, 1979) is an American actress, author, and fashion entrepreneur.
- Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Kate Hudson (born September 12, 1981), also known by her nickname J.Hud, is an American singer and actress.
- Hudson Leick
Heidi Hudson Leick (born May 9, 1969) is an American actress, known for her role as villainess Callisto in the television series Xena: Warrior Princess.
- Ernie Hudson
Earnest Lee Hudson (born December 17, 1945) is an American character actor.
- Garth Hudson
Eric Garth Hudson (born August 2, 1937) is a Canadian multi-instrumentalist.
- Oliver Hudson
Oliver Rutledge Hudson (born September 7, 1976) is an American actor.
- Ray Hudson
Raymond Wilfred Hudson (born 24 March 1955) is an English retired professional footballer and former manager who currently works as an English-language football commentator on beIN Sports and radio host for SiriusXM FC 157.
- Paul Hudson
Paul David Hudson (born 27 February 1971) is an English weather presenter for BBC Yorkshire and BBC Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
- Toni Hudson
Toni Hudson (born November 9, 1960) is an American actress, who has appeared in films and on television.
- Peter Hudson
Peter John Hudson AM (born 19 February 1946) is a former Australian rules football player, considered one of the greatest full-forwards in the game's history.
- Andrew Hudson
Andrew Charles Hudson (born 17 March 1965) is a former South African Test and ODI cricketer.
- Charlotte Hudson
Charlotte Hudson (born 4 January 1972) is an English actress and television presenter.
- Haley Hudson
Haley Kaye Hudson (born June 14, 1986) is an American actress.
- Mr Hudson
Benjamin Hudson McIldowie (born 26 June 1979), better known by his stage name Mr Hudson, is an English musician from Birmingham, England.
- Brett Hudson
Brett Stuart Patrick Hudson (born January 18, 1953) is an American musician and singer-songwriter.
- Rodney Hudson
Rodney Hudson (born July 12, 1989) is an American football center for the Las Vegas Raiders of the National Football League (NFL).
- Hudson Yang
Hudson David Yang (born October 24, 2003) is an American child actor.
- Nell Hudson
Nell Rose Hudson (born 19 November 1990) is an English actress best known for her recurring roles as Laoghaire MacKenzie in the Starz television drama Outlander and Nancy Skerrett in the ITV period drama Victoria.
- Khaleke Hudson
Khaleke Hudson is an American football linebacker for the Washington Redskins of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Hudson Numerology: Name Hudson has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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