What does the name Howell mean? What is the meaning of the name Howell
Meaning of Howell: Name Howell in the Old Welsh, English origin, means Old Welsh - Eminent; Conspicuous; Germanic - Heart, Mind, Spirit; A derivative from Hywel. Name Howell is of Old Welsh, English origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Howell: Old Welsh - Eminent; Conspicuous; Germanic - Heart, Mind, Spirit; A derivative from Hywel
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Famous people with name Howell (Namesakes)
- C. Thomas Howell
Christopher Thomas Howell (born December 7, 1966) is an American actor and director.
- Jay Howell
Jay Canfield Howell (born November 26, 1955) is a former Major League Baseball relief pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds (1980), Chicago Cubs (1981), New York Yankees (1982–1984), Oakland Athletics (1985–1987), Los Angeles Dodgers (1988–1992), Atlanta Braves (1993) and Texas Rangers (1994).
- Arlene Howell
Arlene Howell (born Eurlyne Howell, October 25, 1939) is a former American television actress from northern Louisiana who won the title of Miss USA of 1958.
- Anthony Howell (actor)
Not to be confused with the performance artist Anthony Howell.
Anthony Howell (born 27 June 1971) is an English actor, best known for his starring role as Sgt.
- Bailey Howell
Bailey E. Howell (born January 20, 1937) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Gerran Howell
Gerran Lyn Howell (born 25 February 1991) is a Welsh actor, director and writer of short films, best known for playing "Vladimir Dracula" in Young Dracula, a CBBC television series that initially aired in 2006.
- Mike Howell
Michael Lionel "Mike" Howell (born July 5, 1943 in West Monroe, Louisiana) is a former American football defensive back who played with the National Football League's Cleveland Browns and the Miami Dolphins.
- Jamie Howell
Jamie Howell (born 19 February 1977 in Rustington) is an English former professional footballer, who was most recently manager of National League South side Eastbourne Borough.
- Nick Howell
Nicholas Wade Howell (born 1980) is an American football coach.
- Beryl A. Howell
Beryl Alaine Howell (born December 3, 1956) is the Chief United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
- Colin Howell
Colin Howell (born 14 March 1959) is a Northern Irish convicted double murderer.
- Kamal
- Shane Howell
Shane Howell (born November 28, 1983), is an American mixed martial artist who most recently competed in the flyweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Signe Howell
Signe Lise Howell (born 15 July 1942) is a Norwegian social anthropologist.
- Daniel Howell
Daniel James Howell (born 11 June 1991) is an English YouTuber and presenter.
- Buddy Howell
Gregory "Buddy" Howell Jr. (born March 27, 1996) is an American football running back for the Houston Texans of the National Football League (NFL).
- Sam Howell
Sam Howell is an American football quarterback for the North Carolina Tar Heels.
- Paul Howell (MP)
Paul Howell (born 10 January 1960) is a British Conservative politician who has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Sedgefield in County Durham since the 2019 United Kingdom general election.
Howell is a councillor on Durham County Council, having been elected to the Aycliffe North and Middridge ward in the 2017 local elections.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Howell Numerology: Name Howell has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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