What does the name Hossein mean? What is the meaning of the name Hossein
Meaning of Hossein: Name Hossein in the Arabic origin, means Handsome and beautiful. Name Hossein is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hossein are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hossein (Namesakes)
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (; Persian: سید حسین نصر, born April 7, 1933) is an Iranian professor emeritus of Islamic studies at George Washington University, and an Islamic philosopher.
- Hossein Derakhshan
Hossein Derakhshan (Persian: حسين درخشان; born January 7, 1975), also known as Hoder, is an Iranian-Canadian blogger, journalist, and researcher who was imprisoned in Tehran from November 2008 to November 2014.
- Hossein Alizadeh
Hossein Alizadeh (Persian: حسین علیزاده) is an Iranian musician, composer, radif-preserver, researcher, teacher, and tar and setar instrumentalist and improviser.
- Hossein Rezazadeh
Hossein Rezazadeh (Persian: حسین رضازاده, born 12 May 1978) is an Iranian politician and retired Olympic weightlifter.
- Hossein Elahi Ghomshei
Hossein Mohyeddin Ghomshei (Persian: حسین محیالدین قمشهای, born 4 January 1940) better known as Elahi Ghomshei, is an Iranian scholar, philosopher, author and lecturer on literature, art, and mysticism.
- Robert Hossein
Robert Hossein (born 30 December 1927) is a French film actor, director, and writer.
- Hossein Yari
Hossein Yari (also Hosein Yari, Persian: حسین یاری) was born in 1968 in Tehran, Iran.
- Hossein Jafarian
Hossein Jafarian (Persian: حسین جعفریان, born 25 March 1944 in Tehran) is an Iranian cinematographer.
- Hossein Amini
Hossein Amini (Persian: حسین امینی; born 18 January 1966) is an Iranian-born British screenwriter and film director.
- Hossein Abdi
Hossein Abdi (Persian: حسین عبدی, born March 21, 1967) is an Iranian footballer and coach.
- Hossein Ronaghi
Hossein Ronaghi-Maleki is an Iranian blogger and political dissident who was imprisoned in 2009 for his role in the post-election riots that erupted in Iran.
- Hossein Vafaei
Hossein Vafaei (Persian: حسین وفایی ایوری, born October 15, 1994 in Abadan, Iran) is an Iranian professional snooker player.
- Hossein Ansarian
Hossein Ansarian (Persian: حسین انصاریان) is an Iranian Shia scholar, author and lecturer on Islam and mysticism.
- Hossein Rajabian
Hossein Rajabian (Persian: حسین رجبیان; born 5 July 1984) is an Iranian Filmmaker, Writer and Photographer who was imprisoned in 2015 on charges related to his filmmaking.
- Hossein Nokhodkar
Hossein Nokhodkar (Persian: حسین نخودکار; born February 24, 2002) is an Iranian footballer who plays as a Forward who currently plays for Iranian club Saipa in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
- Hossein Ensan
Hossein Ensan (born May 22, 1964) is an Iranian-German professional poker player from Münster, Germany.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Hossein Numerology: Name Hossein has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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