What does the name Hoshi mean? What is the meaning of the name Hoshi
Meaning of Hoshi: Name Hoshi in the Japanese origin, means Star. Name Hoshi is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hoshi (Namesakes)
- Tomoya Hoshi
Tomoya Hoshi (星 知弥, Hoshi Tomoya, born April 15, 1994 in Nasu District, Tochigi, Japan) is a professional Japanese baseball player.
- Sōichirō Hoshi
Sōichirō Hoshi (保志 総一朗, Hoshi Sōichirō, born May 30, 1972) is a Japanese voice actor and singer affiliated with Arts Vision.
- Daisuke Hoshi
Daisuke Hoshi (星 大輔, Hoshi Daisuke, born December 10, 1980) is a former Japanese football player.
- Natsumi Hoshi
Natsumi Hoshi (星 奈津美, Hoshi Natsumi, born August 21, 1990) is a Japanese competitive swimmer who specializes in the 200-meter butterfly.
- Hamuko Hoshi
Hamuko Hoshi (星 ハム子, Hoshi Hamuko, born October 19, 1982) is a Japanese professional wrestler, currently working for the Ice Ribbon promotion, where she is a former two-time ICE×∞ Champion, one-time Internet Wrestling 19 and a four-time International Ribbon Tag Team Champion.
- Shota Hoshi
Shota Hoshi (born 17 November 1985), is a Japanese futsal player who plays for Nagoya Oceans and the Japanese national futsal team.
- Kota Hoshi
Kota Hoshi (星 広太, Hoshi Kōta, born July 27, 1992) is a Japanese football player, who plays for Fukushima United FC as a midfielder.
- Yuji Hoshi
- Chisato Hoshi
- Takanori Hoshi
Takanori Hoshi (星 孝典, Hoshi Takanori, born May 4, 1982 in Natori, Miyagi, Japan) was a Japanese professional baseball catcher for the Yomiuri Giants and Saitama Seibu Lions of Nippon Professional Baseball.
- Yoko Hoshi
Yoko Hoshi (星 ようこ, 星 洋子, 星 洋子, 星 遥子, Hoshi Yōko, born 31 August 1966) is a Japanese actress from Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.
- Mizue Hoshi
Mizue Hoshi (星 瑞枝, Hoshi Mizue, born 2 September 1985) is a Japanese alpine skier.
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Pushya Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Hoshi Numerology: Name Hoshi has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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