What does the name Horn mean? What is the meaning of the name Horn
Meaning of Horn: Name Horn in the Anglo Saxon origin, means One who blows the horn during the battle. Name Horn is of Anglo Saxon origin and is a Boy name. People with name Horn are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Horn (Namesakes)
- Trevor Horn
Trevor Charles Horn (born 15 July 1949) is an English bassist, singer, songwriter, music producer, and recording studio and label owner.
- Keith Van Horn
Keith Adam Van Horn (born October 23, 1975) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Joe Horn
Joseph Horn (born January 16, 1972) is a former American football wide receiver and current assistant coach at Northeast Mississippi Community College.
- Christian Horner
Christian Edward Johnston Horner (born 16 November 1973) is the Team Principal of the Red Bull Racing Formula One team, a position he has held since 2005, winning eight world titles (four World Constructors' Championships and four World Drivers' Championships from 2010 to 2013).
- Jeremy Horn
Jeremy Graham Horn (born August 25, 1975) is an American mixed martial artist currently competing in the Middleweight division.
- Jim Horn
- For the New Zealand legislator (1855–1932), see James Horn
James Ronald Horn (born November 20, 1940) is an American saxophonist, woodwind player, and session musician.
- Cody Horn
Cody Harrell Horn (born June 12, 1988) is an American actress and model.
- Guildo Horn
Guildo Horn (German pronunciation: [ˈɡɪldo ˈhɔʁn]; born 15 February 1963 in Trier as Horst Köhler) is a German Schlager singer.
- Alan F. Horn
Alan Frederick Horn (born February 28, 1943) is an American entertainment industry executive.
- Jørgen Horn
Jørgen Horn (born 7 June 1987) is a Norwegian footballer.
- Kenneth Horn
Ken Horn (born July 10, 1959) is a Senator representing the 32nd District.
- Kaniehtiio Horn
Kaniehtiio Horn (born November 8, 1986) is a Canadian actress.
- Mike Horn
Mike Horn (born 16 July 1966) is a South African-born Swiss professional explorer and adventurer.
- Melissa Horn
Astrid Melissa Edwarda Horn Weitzberg (born 8 April 1987), known as Melissa Horn, is a Swedish pop artist.
- Jeff Horn
Jeffrey Christopher Horn Jr. (born 4 February 1988) is an Australian professional boxer who held the WBO welterweight title from 2017 to 2018.
- Timo Horn
Timo Phil Horn (born 12 May 1993) is a German professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for 1.
- Jazzmeia Horn
Jazzmeia Horn (born April 16, 1991) is an American jazz singer and songwriter of African ancestry.
- Kendra Horn
Kendra Suzanne Horn (born June 9, 1976) is an American attorney and politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Oklahoma's 5th congressional district since 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Horn Numerology: Name Horn has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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