What does the name Hollis mean? What is the meaning of the name Hollis
Meaning of Hollis: Name Hollis in the English origin, means Lives by the Holly Tree. Name Hollis is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hollis (Namesakes)
- Martin Hollis (video game designer)
Martin Hollis (born 20 June 1971) is a British video game designer best known for directing and producing the critically acclaimed Nintendo 64 first-person shooter GoldenEye 007.
- Mike Hollis
Michael Shane Hollis (born May 22, 1972) is a former professional American football placekicker in the National Football League.
- Crispian Hollis
Roger Francis Crispian Hollis (born 17 November 1936, in Bristol) is the Bishop Emeritus of Portsmouth for the Roman Catholic Church.
- Hollis Price
Hollis Price (born October 29, 1979) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Kelli Hollis
Kelli Hollis is a British actress, best known for playing Tina Crabtree in the three Channel 4 related films, shop owner Yvonne Karib in Channel 4's popular comedy drama Shameless and Ali Spencer in ITV soap opera, Emmerdale.
- Lee Hollis
Lee James Hollis (born 27 March 1986 in Lanark, Scotland) is a Scottish footballer who most recently played as a goalkeeper for Heart of Midlothian.
- Ray Hollis
Raymond Keith "Ray" Hollis (born 30 January 1940) is a former Australian politician (unrelated to another Australian politician, Colin Hollis).
- Kevin Hollis
Kevin John Hollis (born 5 January 1983) is an English cricketer.
- Paul Hollis
Paul Bryan Hollis (born September 1, 1972) is a Republican member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for the revised 104th District in St.
- Haydn Hollis
Haydn Joseph Hollis (born 14 October 1992) is an English footballer who plays for Chesterfield.
- Damian Hollis
Damian Angelo Hollis (born August 19, 1988) is a Hungarian professional basketball player for Benfica of the Liga Portuguesa de Basquetebol.
- Hollis Thompson
Keith Hollis Thompson II (born April 3, 1991) is an American professional basketball player for the Stockton Kings of the NBA G League.
- Mick Hollis
- Jermain Hollis
Jermain Phydell Hollis (born 7 October 1986) is a footballer who played in the Football League for Kidderminster Harriers, and in non-league football for clubs including Eastwood Town, Alvechurch and Hucknall Town.
- Essie Hollis
Essie Bernard Hollis (born May 16, 1955) is an America retired professional basketball player.
- Rondae Hollis-Jefferson
Rondae Jaquan Hollis-Jefferson (born January 3, 1995) is an American professional basketball player for the Toronto Raptors of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Dwayne Hollis
Dwayne Hollis (born July 7, 1989) is an arena football defensive back who is currently a free agent.
- Curtis Hollis
Curtis Melvin Hollis (born April 25, 1998) is an American professional basketball player for Dragons Rhöndorf of the German ProB. He played one season for Hutchinson Community College.
- Rachel Hollis
Rachel Hollis is an American author, motivational speaker and blogger.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Hollis Numerology: Name Hollis has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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