What does the name Holger mean? What is the meaning of the name Holger
Meaning of Holger: Name Holger in the Norway origin, means Scandinavian name derived from Old Norse name, the prefix holmr meaning 'island', and the suffix geirr meaning 'spear'.. Name Holger is of Norway origin and is a Boy name. People with name Holger are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Holger: Scandinavian name derived from Old Norse name, the prefix holmr meaning 'island', and the suffix geirr meaning 'spear'.
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Famous people with name Holger (Namesakes)
- Holger K. Nielsen
Holger Kirkholm Nielsen, known as Holger K. Nielsen (born 23 April 1950), is a Danish politician, member of the Folketing for the Socialist People's Party.
- Holger Fach
Holger Fach (born 6 September 1962) is a former German footballer.
- Holger Hieronymus
Holger Hieronymus (born 22 February 1959, in Hamburg) is a German former footballer who played as a defender.
Hieronymus started his career with local side TuS Hamburg at the age of six and was a promising talent for the sweeper position when the then Hamburger SV general manager Günter Netzer snapped him up from local counterpart FC St.
- Holger Hiller
Holger Hiller (born 26 December 1956) is a German musician.
- Holger Badstuber
Holger Felix Badstuber ([ˈhɔlɡɐ ˈbaːtˌʃtuːbɐ]; born 13 March 1989) is a German professional footballer who plays as a centre back for 2.
- Holger Stanislawski
Holger Stanislawski (born 26 September 1969) is a German football manager and former player.
- Holger Greilich
Holger Greilich (born 12 July 1971) is a retired German football player.
- Hans-Holger Albrecht
Hans-Holger Albrecht (born July 29, 1963) is a German businessman.
- Holger Gehrke
Holger Gehrke (born 22 August 1960 in Berlin) is a former professional German football player and manager.
Gehrke made 86 appearances in the Bundesliga for SpVgg Blau-Weiß 1890 Berlin, FC Schalke 04 and MSV Duisburg during his playing career.
- Holger Aden
Holger Aden (born 25 August 1965) is a retired German football forward.
- Holger Glandorf
Holger Glandorf (born 30 March 1983) is a German handball player for SG Flensburg-Handewitt and the German national team.
- Holger Gaißmayer
Holger Gaißmayer (born 2 July 1970) is a retired German football player.
- Holger Stromberg
Holger Stromberg (born 15 March 1972), is a German celebrity chef.
- Holger Herwig
- Holger Löhr
Holger Löhr (born 25 July 1970) is a German male handball player.
- Holger Chen
Holger Chen or Chen Chih-han (traditional Chinese: 陳之漢; simplified Chinese: 陈之汉; pinyin: Chén Zhīhàn; born March 12, 1979), is a Taiwanese internet celebrity, entrepreneur, political activist and mixed martial artist.
- Holger Vitus Nødskov Rune
Holger Vitus Nødskov Rune (born 29 April 2003) is a Danish tennis player.
Do you know any famous people named Holger, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Holger Numerology: Name Holger has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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