What does the name Hiroto mean? What is the meaning of the name Hiroto
Meaning of Hiroto: Name Hiroto in the Japanese origin, means Fly far; Big Flight. Name Hiroto is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hiroto (Namesakes)
- Hiroto Kōmoto
Hiroto Kōmoto (甲本 ヒロト, Kōmoto Hiroto, born 17 March 1963) is a Japanese rock singer who has fronted bands such as The Blue Hearts, The High-Lows and The Cro-Magnons.
- Ritsuko Hiroto
Ritsuko Hiroto (born 26 July 1981) is a former Japanese cricketer who played four Women's One Day International cricket matches for Japan national women's cricket team in 2003.
- Hiroto Yamamoto
Hiroto Yamamoto (山本 啓人, Yamamoto Hiroto, born October 16, 1988) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hiroto Tanaka
Hiroto Tanaka (田中 裕人, Tanaka Hiroto, born 26 April 1990 in Osaka) is a Japanese footballer who plays as a midfielder for Ehime FC in J2 League.
- Hiroto Goya
Hiroto Goya (呉屋大翔, Goya Hiroto) is a Japanese football player.
- Hiroto Hatao
Hiroto Hatao (畑尾 大翔, Hatao Hiroto, born 16 November 1990 in Nerima, Tokyo) is a Japanese footballer who plays for Omiya Ardija.
- Hiroto Ishikawa
Hiroto Ishikawa (石川 啓人, Ishikawa Hiroto, born July 16, 1998) is a Japanese football player.
- Hiroto Yamada
Hiroto Yamada (山田 寛人, Yamada Hiroto, born March 7, 2000) is a Japanese professional football player who plays as a forward for Japanese club Vegalta Sendai.
- Hiroto Miyauchi
Hiroto Miyauchi (宮内 寛斗, Miyauchi Hiroto, born January 23, 1998) is a Japanese football player.
- Hiroto Inoue
Hiroto Inoue (井上 大仁, Inoue Hiroto, born January 6, 1993) is a Japanese track and field athlete from Nagasaki Prefecture who specializes in long-distance running.
- Hiroto Kyoguchi
Hiroto Kyoguchi (京口 紘人, Kyōguchi Hiroto, born November 27, 1993) is a Japanese professional boxer.
- Hiroto Sese
Hiroto Sese (世瀬啓人, Sese Hiroto, born 20 August 1999 in Kurayoshi, Tottori) is a Japanese footballer playing for Gainare Tottori.
- Hiroto Saikawa
Hiroto Saikawa (西川 廣人, Saikawa Hiroto) is the former president and former CEO of Nissan.
- Hiroto Arai
Hiroto Arai (新井 博人, Arai Hiroto, born 22 June 1996) is a Japanese professional footballer who plays as a defender for Giravanz Kitakyushu.
- Hiroto Yukie
Hiroto Yukie (雪江 悠人, Yukie Hiroto, born 9 June 1996) is a Japanese footballer currently playing as a forward for Fukushima United.
- Hiroto Morooka
Hiroto Morooka (諸岡 裕人, Morooka Hiroto, born 4 January 1997) is a Japanese professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Fukushima United FC.
- Hiroto Takahashi
- Hiroto Sakai
Hiroto Sakai (酒井 大登, Sakai Hiroto, born 11 August 1989) is a Japanese footballer currently playing as a midfielder for Ococias Kyoto.
- Hiroto Ichikawa
Hiroto Ichikawa (~, Ichikawa Hiroto, born 12 May 1990) is a Japanese former footballer.
- Rayowa
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Hiroto Numerology: Name Hiroto has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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