What does the name Hiroaki mean? What is the meaning of the name Hiroaki
Meaning of Hiroaki: Name Hiroaki in the Japanese origin, means Spreading brightness; Radiance and Gloriousness. Name Hiroaki is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hiroaki (Namesakes)
- Hiroaki Hirata
Hiroaki Hirata (平田 広明, Hirata Hiroaki, born August 7, 1963) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator.
- Hiroaki Samura
Hiroaki Samura (沙村 広明, Samura Hiroaki, b.
- Hiroaki Morishima
Hiroaki Morishima (森島 寛晃, Morishima Hiroaki, born April 30, 1972) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hiroaki Yura
Hiroaki Yura (由良 浩明, Yura Hiroaki, born July 21, 1981) is a Japanese violinist, and the founder and artistic director of the Eminence Symphony Orchestra in Sydney, Australia.
- Fushimi Hiroaki
Fushimi Hiroaki (伏見宮 博明王, Fushimi-no-miya Hiroaki-ō, born 26 January 1932) is the only son of Prince Fushimi Hiroyoshi (1897–1938), and 24th head of the Fushimi-no-miya shinnōke (collateral branch of the Imperial Family of Japan).
- Hiroaki Murakami
Hiroaki Murakami (村上 弘明, Murakami Hiroaki, born December 22, 1956) is a Japanese actor.
- Hiroaki Sakurai
Hiroaki Sakurai (桜井 弘明, Sakurai Hiroaki, born December 15, 1958) is an anime director.
- Hiroaki Miura
Hiroaki Miura (三浦 祥朗, Miura Hiroaki, born March 24, 1977) is a Japanese voice actor.
- Hiroaki Ishiura
Hiroaki Ishiura (石浦 宏明, Ishiura Hiroaki, born April 23, 1981) is a Japanese racing driver.
- Hiroaki Izumikawa
Hiroaki Izumikawa (泉川 寛晃, Izumikawa Hiroaki) (born 20 December 1957) is a Japanese modern pentathlete.
- Hiroaki Nakanishi
Hiroaki Nakanishi KBE (中西 宏明, Nakanishi Hiroaki, born March 14, 1946) is a Japanese businessman and the current chairman of Hitachi, a Japanese multinational electronics and engineering conglomerate.
- Hiroaki Sato (figure skater)
Hiroaki Sato (佐藤 洸彬, Satō Hiroaki, born December 6, 1995) is a Japanese figure skater.
- Hiroaki Iwanaga
Hiroaki Iwanaga (岩永 洋昭, Iwanaga Hiroaki, born November 23, 1979 in Hasami, Higashisonogi District, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese model and actor who is affiliated with G-Star.Pro.
- Hiroaki Asano
Hiroaki Asano (born (1990-10-06)6 October 1990) is a Japanese male volleyball player.
- Hiroaki Shimizu
Hiroaki Shimizu (清水 浩明, Shimizu Hiroaki, born 2 August 1979) is a Japanese professional darts player who currently playing in the Professional Darts Corporation events.
- Hiroaki Takao
Hiroaki Takao (高尾 宏明, Takao Hiroaki, born 2 January 1992) is a Japanese Olympic weightlifter.
- Hiroaki Tanaka
Hiroaki Tanaka (田中 洋明, Tanaka Hiroaki, born April 17, 1979) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hiroaki Kunitake
Hiroaki Kunitake (国武 大晃, Kunitake Hiroaki, born 10 February 2002) is a Japanese snowboarder.
- Hiroaki Ohishi
Hiroaki Ohishi (born 13 March 1970) is a Japanese bobsledder.
- Hiroaki Yamakage
Hiroaki Yamakage (山影 博明, Yamakage Hiroaki, born 30 October 1974) is a Japanese speed skater.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Hiroaki Numerology: Name Hiroaki has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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