What does the name Hiro mean? What is the meaning of the name Hiro
Meaning of Hiro: Name Hiro in the Japanese origin, means Japanese - Abundant; Generous; Tolerant; Prosperous. Name Hiro is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hiro: Japanese - Abundant; Generous; Tolerant; Prosperous
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Famous people with name Hiro (Namesakes)
- Hiro Yūki
Hiro Yūki (優希 比呂, Yūki Hiro, born Teruhisa Tsuyusaki (露崎 照久, Tsuyusaki Teruhisa); February 13, 1965 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actor who is part of the voice actor quartet Weiß, which also consists of Weiß Kreuz voice castmates Tomokazu Seki, Takehito Koyasu and Shin-ichiro Miki.
In June 2007, Yuki changed the spelling of his name to 優希比呂 from 結城比呂, which still reads as Yūki Hiro.
- Hiro Shimono
Hiro Shimono (下野 紘, Shimono Hiro, born April 21, 1980) is a Japanese voice actor and singer affiliated with I'm Enterprise.
- Hiro Yamamoto
Hiro Yamamoto (山本 紘, Yamamoto Hiro, born April 13, 1961) is an American bassist who was a founding member of grunge band Soundgarden, along with Kim Thayil and Chris Cornell in 1984.
- Hiro Mashima
Hiro Mashima (真島 ヒロ, Mashima Hiro, born May 3, 1977) is a Japanese manga artist.
- Hiro Mizushima
Hiro Mizushima (水嶋 ヒロ, Mizushima Hiro, born Tomohiro Saitō (齋藤 智裕, Saitō Tomohiro) on 13 April 1984) is a Japanese actor, producer, writer, YouTuber, and creative director.
- Hiro Saito
Hiroyuki Saito (斎藤 弘幸, Saitō Hiroyuki, born May 25, 1961 in Kawasaki, Japan) is a Japanese professional wrestler best known by the shortened name of Hiro Saito (ヒロ 斉藤, Hiro Saitō).
- Hiro Kanagawa
Hironobu Kanagawa (金川 弘敦, Kanagawa Hironobu, October 13, 1963) is a Japanese Canadian actor, voice actor and playwright based in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Hiro Suzuhira
Hiro Suzuhira (鈴平ひろ, Suzuhira Hiro, born January 17, 1978) is a female Japanese manga artist, character designer, and illustrator.
- Hiro Arikawa
Hiro Arikawa (有川 浩, Arikawa Hiro, born June 9, 1972) is a female Japanese light novelist from Kōchi, Japan.
- Hiro Hayama
Hiro Hayama (葉山 豪, Hayama Hiro), born Hiroyoshi Komuro (小室 博義, Komuro Hiroyoshi), is a Japanese actor and former model based in Hong Kong.
- Hiro Poroiae
Hiro Poroiae (born 14 June 1986) in Tahiti is a footballer who plays as a midfielder.
- Hiro Peralta
Hirojenel Benz Magalona Peralta (born November 7, 1993 in Manila, Philippines), better known by his stage name Hiro Peralta, is a half-Filipino quarter-German quarter-Portuguese actor.
- Hiroki Moriuchi
Hiroki Moriuchi (森内 寛樹, Moriuchi Hiroki) (born January 25, 1994 in Tokyo), better known as his stage name Hiro, is the lead vocalist of the Japanese rock band My First Story.
- Hiroyuki Igarashi
Hiroyuki Igarashi (五十嵐 広行, Igarashi Hiroyuki, known as Hiro (stylized as HIRO); born on June 1, 1969, in Hiroshima Prefecture) is a Japanese dancer and producer.
- Kazu Hiro
Kazu Hiro (born May 26, 1969), formerly known as Kazuhiro Tsuji (辻 一弘), is a Japanese-born American special make-up effects artist and visual artist.
- Hiromichi Mizuno
Hiromichi Mizuno (水野 弘道) is a financial executive.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Hiro Numerology: Name Hiro has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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