What does the name Hiller mean? What is the meaning of the name Hiller
Meaning of Hiller: Name Hiller in the English origin, means From the Yard on a Hill. Name Hiller is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hiller are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hiller (Namesakes)
- Jonas Hiller
Jonas Hiller (born 12 February 1982) is a Swiss former professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Bob Hiller
Robert Hiller (born 14 October 1942) is a former England international rugby union player.
- John Hiller
John Frederick Hiller (born April 8, 1943) is a Canadian former baseball relief pitcher who played 15 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Detroit Tigers between 1965 and 1980.
- Jim Hiller
James Andrew Hiller (born May 13, 1969) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player, and current assistant coach for the New York Islanders of the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Holger Hiller
Holger Hiller (born 26 December 1956) is a German musician.
- Franz Hiller
Franz Hiller (born 22 October 1950) is a German retired footballer who played for TSV 1860 Munich and Werder Bremen, as well as Elche CF in Spain.
- Tim Hiller
Tim Hiller (born December 13, 1986) is a former American football quarterback.
- Bernd Hiller
Bernd Hiller (born 26 February 1942) is a German former ice hockey player who competed for SC Dynamo Berlin.
- Janina Hiller
Janina Hiller (born March 18, 1988) is a German female acrobatic gymnast.
- Janet Hiller
Janet Hiller (born 23 February 1953) is an Australian epidemiologist and health services researcher.
- Martin H. Hiller
Martin (Marty) H. Hiller is an entrepreneur and a principal in North Shore Holdings, LLC, with interests in aviation, carbon, and minerals.
- Jennifer Hiller
Jennifer Hiller (born (1979 -02-12)12 February 1979) is a retired Australian female volleyball player, who played as a libero.
- Marco Hiller
- Martin Hiller
Martin Hiller (born 1 January 2000) is a German sprint canoeist.
He won a medal at the 2019 ICF Canoe Sprint World Championships.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Hiller Numerology: Name Hiller has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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