What does the name Hildebrand mean? What is the meaning of the name Hildebrand
Meaning of Hildebrand: Name Hildebrand in the Dutch origin, means Sword used in battles. Name Hildebrand is of Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hildebrand are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hildebrand (Namesakes)
- Philipp Hildebrand
Philipp Michael Hildebrand (born 19 July 1963) is a Swiss banker.
- Klaus Hildebrand
Klaus Hildebrand (born 18 November 1941, Bielefeld, Germany) is a German liberal-conservative historian whose area of expertise is 19th–20th-century German political and military history.
- Alice von Hildebrand
Alice M. von Hildebrand, DCSG is a Catholic philosopher, theologian, lecturer, author, and former professor; she is also the second wife of Dietrich von Hildebrand.
- Timo Hildebrand
Timo Hildebrand (born 5 April 1979) is a retired German professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- J. R. Hildebrand
John Randal "J.R." Hildebrand Jr. (born January 3, 1988) is an American race car driver.
- Madison Hildebrand
Madison Hildebrand (born October 28, 1980) is an American media personality and realtor specializing in the luxury real estate market located in Malibu, California.
- Nadine Hildebrand
Nadine Hildebrand (born September 20, 1987) is a German track and field athlete who specialises in the 100 metres hurdles.
- Joe Hildebrand
Joe Hildebrand (born John Hildebrand) is an Australian journalist, television and radio presenter.
- Gert Hildebrand
Gert Volker Hildebrand (born 22 August 1953 in Lörrach) is a German car designer and since 2011 is Head of Design at Qoros.
- Franziska Hildebrand
Franziska Hildebrand (born 24 March 1987) is a German biathlete.
- Kristin Hildebrand
Kristin Lynn Hildebrand (née Richards, born June 30, 1985) is an American indoor volleyball player.
- Brianna Hildebrand
Brianna Caitlin Hildebrand (born August 14, 1996) is an American actress.
- Jake Hildebrand
- Sarah Hildebrand
Sarah Hildebrand (born 18 August 1990) is a Malaysian model, fashion personality, TV personality, and actress.
- Sara Reiling-Hildebrand
Sara Reiling-Hildebrand (born September 18, 1979) is an American diver.
- Diane Hildebrand
Diane Hildebrand (born April 13, 1945) is an American pop singer-songwriter.
- Tobias Hildebrand
Tobias Hildebrand (born 20 October 1975) is a retired Swedish tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Hildebrand Numerology: Name Hildebrand has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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