What does the name Hilde mean? What is the meaning of the name Hilde
Meaning of Hilde: Name Hilde in the German, Scandinavian origin, means Germanic - Comrade in arms; Battle; Defending battle maiden; A short form of the name Hildegard. Name Hilde is of German, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hilde: Germanic - Comrade in arms; Battle; Defending battle maiden; A short form of the name Hildegard
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Famous people with name Hilde (Namesakes)
- Hilde C. Bjørnland
Hilde Christiane Bjørnland (born 1966) is a Norwegian economist.
- Hilde Hofherr
Hilde Hofherr (born 20 April 1930) is an Austrian alpine skier.
- Hilde Grythe
Hilde Grythe (born 18 July 1955) is a Norwegian actress.
- Hilde Jøtun
Hilde Jøtun Bråthen (born July 7, 1958 in Oslo) is a former Norwegian curler.
- Hilde Frafjord Johnson
Hilde Frafjord Johnson (born 29 August 1963 in Arusha, Tanganyika) is a Norwegian politician from the Christian Democratic Party.
- Hilde Schramm
Hilde Schramm (born Hilde Speer; 17 April 1936) is a German politician for Alliance '90/The Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).
- Hilde Gerg
Mathilde Gerg (born 19 October 1975 in Lenggries, Upper Bavaria) is a German former alpine skier.
- Tom Hilde
Tom André Hilde (Norwegian pronunciation: [ˈtɔm ˈhɪ̀ldə]; born 22 September 1987) is a Norwegian former ski jumper.
- Hilde Synnøve Lid
Hilde Synnøve Lid (born 18 March 1971) is a Norwegian freestyle skier and Olympic medalist.
- Hilde Lyrån
Hilde Lyrån (born 2 January 1963 in the Grorud Valley, Oslo, Norway) is a Norwegian actress, dancer and comedian.
- Hilde Strømsvold
- Hilde Vogt
Hilde Vogt (born 3 November 1945) is a Norwegian politician for the Socialist Left Party.
- Hilde De Baerdemaeker
Hilde de Baerdemaeker (born 8 May 1978) is a Flemish actress.
- Hilde Østbø
Hilde Østbø (born 1 September 1974) is a Norwegian handball player who played for the club Sola IL and the Norwegian national team in the 1990s.
- Hilde Riis
Hilde Synnøve Riis (born 6 May 1959) is a Norwegian cross-country skier.
- Hilde Dobiasch
Hilde Dobiasch (born 5 October 1954) is an Austrian former cyclist.
- Hilde Louise Asbjørnsen
Hilde Louise Asbjørnsen (born 3 June 1976 in Sykkylven, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz singer, songwriter, cabaret artist and songwriter, known from its own releases and appearances.
- Hilde Lysiak
Hilde Kate Lysiak ( LEE-shak; born November 2, 2006) is an American journalist who publishes the Orange Street News, a local newspaper in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania from 2014 to 2019 and in Patagonia, Arizona since 2019.
- Hilde Van Mieghem
Hilde Van Mieghem (born 14 April 1958, in Antwerp) is a Belgian actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Hilde Numerology: Name Hilde has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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