What does the name Hideki mean? What is the meaning of the name Hideki
Meaning of Hideki: Name Hideki in the Japanese origin, means Excellence, Esteem,Excellent. Name Hideki is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hideki (Namesakes)
- Hideki Matsui
Hideki Matsui (松井 秀喜, Matsui Hideki, born June 12, 1974), nicknamed "Godzilla", is a Japanese former professional baseball outfielder and designated hitter who played baseball in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) and Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Hideki Shirakawa
Hideki Shirakawa (白川 英樹 Shirakawa Hideki, born August 20, 1936) is a Japanese chemist, engineer, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tsukuba and Zhejiang University.
- Hideki Noda
Hideki Noda (野田 英樹, Noda Hideki, born 7 March 1969) is a Japanese professional racing driver.
- Hideki Naganuma
Hideki Naganuma (長沼 英樹, Naganuma Hideki, born May 16, 1972) is a Japanese composer, DJ, and remixer who primarily does work for video game soundtracks.
- Hideki Komatsu
Hideki Komatsu (小松英樹, Komatsu Hideki, born March 4, 1967) is a professional Go player.
- Hideki Takahashi
Hideki Takahashi (高橋 英樹, Takahashi Hideki, born February 10, 1944) is a Japanese actor.
- Hideki Okajima
Hideki Okajima (岡島 秀樹, Okajima Hideki, born December 25, 1975) is a Japanese former professional baseball pitcher.
- Hideki Matsuoka
Hideki Matsuoka (松岡秀樹, Matsuoka Hideki, born March 8, 1968) is a professional Go player.
- Hokutōriki Hideki
Hokutōriki Hideki (born October 31, 1977 as Hideki Kimura) is a former sumo wrestler, from Tochigi, Japan.
- Hideki Kamiya
Hideki Kamiya (神谷 英樹, Kamiya Hideki, born December 19, 1970) is a Japanese video game designer and director working for PlatinumGames.
- Hideki Sakurai
Hideki Sakurai (櫻井 英樹, Sakurai Hideki, born May 16, 1931) is a Japanese chemist.
- Hideki Konno
Hideki Konno (紺野 秀樹, Konno Hideki) (born May 13, 1965) is a video game director and producer who works for Nintendo.
- Hideki Tsukamoto
Hideki Tsukamoto (塚本 秀樹, Tsukamoto Hideki, born August 9, 1973) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideki Nishimura
Hideki Nishimura (西村 英樹, Nishimura Hideki, born April 15, 1983) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideki Yoshioka
Hideki Yoshioka (吉岡 秀樹, Yoshioka Hideki, born June 6, 1972) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideki Nomiyama
Hideki Nomiyama (野見山 秀樹, Nomiyama Hideki, born April 28, 1975) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideki Matsuda
Hideki Matsuda (松田 英樹, Matsuda Hideki, born September 2, 1981) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideki Matsuyama
Hideki Matsuyama (松山 英樹, Matsuyama Hideki, born 25 February 1992) is a Japanese professional golfer.
- Hideki Seo
Hideki Seo (瀬尾 英樹, Seo Hideki) is a Japanese-born fashion designer and artist based in Paris.
- Hideki Togi
Hideki Togi (東儀 秀樹, Tōgi Hideki, born 12 October 1959, in Tokyo) is a Japanese composer, gagaku musician, and actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Hideki Numerology: Name Hideki has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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