What does the name Hideaki mean? What is the meaning of the name Hideaki
Meaning of Hideaki: Name Hideaki in the Japanese origin, means Bright, Excellent. Name Hideaki is of Japanese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hideaki (Namesakes)
- Hideaki Anno
Hideaki Anno (庵野 秀明, Anno Hideaki, born May 22, 1960) is a Japanese artist, animator, anime creator, director, screenwriter, actor, producer, designer and businessperson.
- Hideaki Kase
Hideaki Kase (加瀬 英明, Kase Hideaki, born December 22, 1936) is a Japanese diplomatic critic known for promoting historical revisionism.
- Hideaki Sena
Hideaki Sena, Ph.D. (瀬名 秀明, Sena Hideaki, born January 17, 1968 in Shizuoka City) is a Japanese pharmacologist and novelist.
- Hideaki Sorachi
Hideaki Sorachi (空知 英秋, Sorachi Hideaki, born May 25, 1979) is a Japanese manga artist best known for Gin Tama.
- Hideaki Takizawa
Hideaki Takizawa (滝沢 秀明, Takizawa Hideaki, born 29 March 1982), also known professionally as Tackey (タッキー), is a Japanese record producer and former singer and actor.
- Hideaki Itō
Hideaki Ito (伊藤 英明, Itō Hideaki, born August 3, 1975) is a Japanese actor.
- Hideaki Ōmura
Hideaki Ōmura (大村 秀章, Ōmura Hideaki, born 9 March 1960) is a politician and the current governor of Aichi Prefecture.
- Hideaki Tomiyama
Hideaki Tomiyama (富山 英明, Tomiyama Hideaki, born November 16, 1957) represented Japan in wrestling at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, and won the gold medal in the bantamweight division.
- Hideaki Tokunaga
Hideaki Tokunaga (德永 英明, Tokunaga Hideaki, born February 27, 1961 in Yanagawa, Fukuoka) is a Japanese pop singer-songwriter and actor.
- Hideaki Takatori
Hideaki Takatori (高取 ヒデアキ(秀明), Takatori Hideaki) (born March 4, 1967) is a Japanese singer, songwriter, and composer from Tokyo, known for his contributions to the anison genre.
- Hideaki Hagino
Hideaki Hagino (萩野 英明, Hagino Hideaki, born January 20, 1973) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideaki Ikematsu
Hideaki Ikematsu (池松 秀明, Ikematsu Hideaki, born January 10, 1986) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideaki Kaetsu
Hideaki Kaetsu (嘉悦 秀明, Kaetsu Hideaki, born October 8, 1974) is a former Japanese football player.
- Hideaki Okubo
Hideaki Okubo (大久保 秀昭, Okubo Hideaki, born July 3, 1969 in Kiyokawa, Kanagawa) is a Japanese baseball catcher who won a silver medal in the 1996 Summer Olympics.
- Hideaki Tezuka
Hideaki Tezuka (手塚 秀彰, Tezuka Hideaki, born December 5, 1954) is a Japanese actor and voice actor from Tochigi Prefecture.
- Hideaki Itsuno
Hideaki Itsuno (伊津野 英昭, Itsuno Hideaki) (born April 7, 1971) is a Japanese video game director and video game designer.
- Hideaki Aida
Hideaki Aida (相田 秀晃, Aida Hideaki, born 25 August 1943) is a Japanese rower.
- Hideaki Kurokawa
Hideaki Kurokawa (黒川 秀明, Kurokawa Hideaki, born 8 May 1944) is a Japanese former ice hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Hideaki Numerology: Name Hideaki has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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