What does the name Hidalgo mean? What is the meaning of the name Hidalgo
Meaning of Hidalgo: Name Hidalgo in the Spanish origin, means Noble One. Name Hidalgo is of Spanish origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hidalgo (Namesakes)
- Alondra Hidalgo
Alondra Patricia Hidalgo Quintero (born February 17, 1989) is a Mexican actress and voice actress with 231 voiceovers in Spanish.
- David Hidalgo
David Kent Hidalgo (born October 6, 1954, in Los Angeles) is an American singer-songwriter, best known for his work with the band Los Lobos.
- Richard Hidalgo
Richard José Hidalgo [ee-dahl'-go] (born June 28, 1975) is a former professional outfielder.
- Giovanni Hidalgo
Giovanni Hidalgo a.k.a.
- Martín Hidalgo
Emilio Martín Hidalgo Conde (born June 15, 1976 in Lima), commonly known as Martín Hidalgo is a Peruvian Former footballer who played as a left wingback .
- Cristian Hidalgo
Cristian Hidalgo González (born 21 September 1983), known simply as Cristian, is a Spanish professional footballer who plays for Andorran club FC Ordino as a winger.
- Anne Hidalgo
Ana María "Anne" Hidalgo Aleu (French pronunciation: [an idalɡo]; born 19 June 1959) is a Spanish-French politician who has served as the Mayor of Paris since the 2014 municipal election.
- Fernando Hidalgo
Fernando Roberto Hidalgo Maldonado (born May 20, 1985 in Quito) is an Ecuadorian footballer who plays for Atlético Porteño as a midfielder.
- Carlos Ramón Hidalgo
Carlos Ramón Hidalgo Ortega is an Ecuadorian footballer.
- David Hidalgo Jr.
- Sam Hidalgo-Clyne
Samuel Hidalgo-Clyne (born 4 August 1993) is a Scottish rugby union player who plays Lyon in the Top 14.
- Sébastien Hidalgo
Sébastien Serge Hidalgo (born January 11, 1978 in Melun) is an amateur French Greco-Roman wrestler, who played for the men's lightweight category.
- Nico Hidalgo
Nicolás Hidalgo García (born 30 April 1992), commonly known as Nico, is a Spanish footballer who plays for Racing de Santander as a central midfielder.
- César Hidalgo
César A. Hidalgo (born December 22, 1979) is a Chilean-Spanish-American physicist, author, and entrepreneur.
- Pablo Hidalgo
Pablo Hidalgo (born 12 October 1974) is a Chilean-Canadian creative executive, currently working for Lucasfilm on the Star Wars franchise and member of the Lucasfilm Story Group.
- Lina Hidalgo
Lina Maria Hidalgo (born February 19, 1991) is an American politician from the state of Texas.
- Cristina Hidalgo
Cristina Hidalgo (born April 05, 1997) is an Ecuadorian model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss Ecuador 2019 on July 19, 2019 in Guayaquil.
- Fernanda Hidalgo
Fernanda Constanza Hidalgo Rubilar (born 4 May 1998) is a Chilean footballer who plays as a midfielder for Colo-Colo and the Chile women's national team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Hidalgo Numerology: Name Hidalgo has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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