What does the name Herbst mean? What is the meaning of the name Herbst
Meaning of Herbst: Name Herbst in the German origin, means Fall season, Autumn. Name Herbst is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Herbst are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Herbst (Namesakes)
- Stefan Herbst
Stefan Herbst (born 17 May 1978 in Leipzig, Germany) is a 2-time Olympics swimmer from Germany.
- Thomas Herbst (footballer)
Thomas Herbst (born 5 October 1962 in West Berlin) is a German football manager and former player.
- Sabine Herbst
Sabine Herbst-Klenz (born 27 June 1974 in Leipzig, Sachsen) is a retired female butterfly and medley swimmer from Germany.
- Rebecca Herbst
Rebecca Ann Herbst (born May 12, 1977) is an American actress, known for playing nurse Elizabeth Webber on the ABC Daytime drama General Hospital, a role she originated on August 1, 1997, and Suzee, an alien, on the Nickelodeon show, Space Cases.
- Reinfried Herbst
Reinfried Herbst (born 11 October 1978 in Salzburg) is a retired slalom skier from Austria.
- John E. Herbst
John Edward Herbst (born August 12, 1952) is a retired American diplomat who was the United States Ambassador to Uzbekistan from 2000 to 2003 and United States Ambassador to Ukraine from September 2003 to May 2006.
- Christoph Maria Herbst
Christoph Maria Herbst (born 9 February 1966, in Wuppertal) is a German actor and comedian.
- Dieter Herbst
Dieter Herbst (born 31 July 1960 in Groß-Gerau, Hesse) is a German communication expert, with core expertise in Marketing Management and Public Relations.
- Jeffrey Herbst
Jeffrey I. Herbst is an American political scientist, and in July, 2018 became the President of the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, California.
- Helmut Herbst
Helmut Herbst (born 2 December 1934) is a German film director, producer and screenwriter.
- Wiehahn Herbst
Wiehahn Jovan Herbst is a South African rugby union player for the Bulls in Super Rugby and the Blue Bulls in the Currie Cup.
- Jochen Herbst
Jochen Herbst (born 16 October 1942) is a retired German swimmer.
- Alice Herbst
Alice Minna Irmeli Herbst (born April 13, 1993) is a Swedish former fashion model, best known for winning the fifth cycle of Sweden's Next Top Model in 2012.
- Della Herbst
Della Herbst (born February 26, 1935) was an American politician in the state of Wyoming.
- Jess Herbst
Jess Helene Herbst (born October 14, 1958) is an American politician and transgender rights activist, who served as the mayor of New Hope, Texas, from May 2016 until May 2018.
- Riley Herbst
Riley Herbst (born February 24, 1999) is an American professional stock car racing driver.
- Miloš Herbst
Miloš Herbst (born 6 May 1942) is a Czechoslovak footballer.
- Kurt Herbst
Kurt Herbst (born 22 December 1940) is an Austrian weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Herbst Numerology: Name Herbst has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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