What does the name Henryk mean? What is the meaning of the name Henryk
Meaning of Henryk: Name Henryk in the Germanic, Polish origin, means lord of the house. Name Henryk is of Germanic, Polish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Henryk are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Henryk (Namesakes)
- Henryk Szost
Henryk Szost (born January 20, 1982 in Krynica Zdrój) is a Polish long-distance runner who competes in the marathon.
- Henryk Gołębiewski (actor)
Henryk Julian Gołębiewski (born 15 June 1956) is a Polish actor.
- Henryk Bielski
Henryk Bielski (born 19 January 1935) is a Polish film director.
- Henryk Muszyński
Henryk Józef Muszyński (born 20 March 1933 in Kościerzyna, Kashubia) is the Primate Emeritus of Poland and former Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland, having been appointed by Pope John Paul II when the Polish hierarchy was reorganized in March 1992.
- Henryk Gulbinowicz
Henryk Roman Gulbinowicz (born 17 October 1923) is a prelate of the Catholic Church who served as Archbishop of Wrocław from 1976 to 2004.
- Henryk M. Broder
Henryk Marcin Broder (born 20 August 1946, self-designation Henryk Modest Broder) is a Polish-born German journalist, author, and TV personality.
- Henryk Iwaniec
Henryk Iwaniec (born October 9, 1947) is a Polish-American mathematician, and since 1987 a professor at Rutgers University.
- Henryk Maculewicz
Henryk Józef Maculewicz (born 24 April 1950) is a retired Polish footballer.
- Henryk Samsonowicz
Henryk Bohdan Samsonowicz (born January 23, 1930 in Warsaw) is a Polish historian specializing in medieval Poland, prolific writer, and professor of the University of Warsaw.
- Henryk Nielaba
Henryk Nielaba (born 5 September 1933) is a Polish fencer.
- Henryk Skarżyński
Henryk Skarzynski (born.
- Henryk Janiszewski
Henryk Janiszewski (born February 20, 1949) is a former Polish ice hockey player.
- Henryk Górski
- Henryk Wawrowski
Henryk Wawrowski (born 25 September 1949 in Szczecin, Poland) is a former international Polish footballer who played as a defender.
- Henryk Trzciński
Henryk Dominik Trzciński (born 28 April 1954) is a Polish rower.
- Henryk Marek
Henryk Marek (born 8 January 1939) is a Polish cross-country skier.
- Henryk Siedlecki
Henryk Siedlecki (born 4 October 1943) is a former Polish politician and footballer.
- Saptadeep
- Saptadeepa
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Henryk Numerology: Name Henryk has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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