What does the name Henriette mean? What is the meaning of the name Henriette
Meaning of Henriette: Name Henriette in the Teutonic, French origin, means Rulaer of the home. Name Henriette is of Teutonic, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Henriette are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Henriette (Namesakes)
- Henriette Reker
Henriette Reker (born 9 December 1956) is a German lawyer and independent politician.
- Henriette Ivanans
Henriette Ivanans (born October 29, 1968) is a Canadian actress and writer.
- Henriette Mantel
Henriette Mantel (born October 20, 1954) is an American writer, actress, producer, director, and stand-up comic from Vermont.
- Henriette Mikkelsen
Henriette Mikkelsen (born 21 September 1980) is a former Danish team handball player and Olympic champion.
- Princess Henriette Reuss of Plauen
Princess Henriette Anna-Bess Helle Mette Reuss (German: Henriette Prinzessin Reuss; born 2 June 1977 in Oslo) is a princess of the formerly sovereign German House of Reuss, rulers of the principalities of Reuss for almost a thousand years.
- Henriette Moller
Henriette Moller (born November 20, 1972 in Mossel Bay, Western Cape) is a South African judoka, who competed in the women's half-middleweight category.
- Henriette Confurius
Henriette Confurius (born 5 February 1991 in Berlin) is a German actress.
- Henriette Woering
Henriette Woering (born 18 January 1992) is a Dutch professional racing cyclist.
- Henriette Akaba
Henriette Michèle Akaba Edoa (born 7 June 1992), shortly Henriette Akaba, or Michèle Akaba, is a Cameroonian women's football forward.
- Henriette Koulla
Henriette Koulla (born (1992-09-14)14 September 1992) is a Cameroonian female volleyball player.
- Henriette Iatika
Henriette Iatika (born 19 June 1985) is a beach volleyball player from Vanuatu.
- Henriette Parzer
Henriette Parzer (born 28 August 1943) is an Austrian gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Henriette Numerology: Name Henriette has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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