What does the name Henny mean? What is the meaning of the name Henny
Meaning of Henny: Name Henny in the German origin, means Germanic - House Owner; Lord of the manor; A diminutive form of Henrietta. Name Henny is of German origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Henny: Germanic - House Owner; Lord of the manor; A diminutive form of Henrietta
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BROTHERS: Sibling Brother names for Henny
Famous people with name Henny (Namesakes)
- Henny Vrienten
Henny Vrienten (born July 27, 1948 in Hilvarenbeek) is a Dutch composer of TV and film scores.
- Henny Eman
Jan Hendrik Albert "Henny" Eman (born 20 March 1948) was the first Prime Minister of Aruba from 1 January 1986 to 9 February 1989 and again from 29 July 1994 to 30 October 2001.
- Henny Meijer
Henny Ingemar Meijer (born 17 February 1962) is a Dutch former footballer who played as a forward.
- Henny Noremark
Henny Noremark (born May 23, 1942) is a Swedish production designer and costume designer.
- Henny Moan
Henny Moan (born 22 February 1936) is a Norwegian actress from Finnmark.
- Henny Schilder
Henny Schilder (born 4 September 1984) is a Dutch football player who plays as a centre back for FC Volendam in the Dutch Eerste Divisie.
- Henny Vegter
Pieternella Hendrika "Henny" Vegter (born 28 February 1958, in Rotterdam) is a sailor from the Netherlands, who represented her country at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Pusan.
- Henny Kroeze
Henny Kroeze (born 11 March 1952) is a retired Dutch motorcycle racer who competed in speedway.
- Henny Reistad
Henny Ella Reistad (born 9 February 1999) is a Norwegian handball player for Vipers Kristiansand and the Norwegian national team.
She also represented Norway in the 2017 Women's Junior European Handball Championship, placing 7th, and in the 2016 Women's Youth World Handball Championship, placing 4th.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Henny Numerology: Name Henny has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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