What does the name Hennie mean? What is the meaning of the name Hennie
Meaning of Hennie: Name Hennie in the French origin, means Keeper of the hearth,. Name Hennie is of French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Hennie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hennie (Namesakes)
- Hennie Kuiper
Hendrikus Andreas "Hennie" Kuiper (born 3 February 1949) is a Dutch former professional road racing cyclist.
- Sania
- Hennie Jacobs
Hennie Jacobs (born 20 June 1981) is a South African actor, musician, singer, comedian, and songwriter.
- Hennie Stamsnijder
Hendrikus (Hennie) Johannes Maria Stamsnijder (born 21 July 1954 in Enter, Overijssel) is a Dutch former professional cyclo-cross and road racing cyclist.
- Hennie Otto
Hendrik Johannes "Hennie" Otto (born 25 June 1976) is a South African professional golfer.
- Aksel Hennie
Aksel Hennie (born 29 October 1975) is a Norwegian actor, director, and screenwriter.
- Hennie Top
Hennie Top (born 23 August 1956) is a former professional cyclist from Wekerom, Netherlands.
- Hennie de Wet
Hennie Wouter de Wet (born 17 April 1989) is a South African cricketer who played for Boland between 2007 and 2010.
- Hennie Daniller
Hendrik Joseph Daniller (born 5 April 1984) is a South African rugby union footballer who most recently played as a fullback for the Boland Cavaliers.
- Hennie Spijkerman
Hennie Spijkerman (born 28 October 1950 in Zwolle) is a Dutch football coach and former player who was most recently assistant manager to Marcel Keizer for Eredivisie side AFC Ajax.
During his playing career, he played as a goalkeeper for both PEC Zwolle and Go Ahead Eagles.
- Hennie Dompeling
Hendrikus "Hennie" Dompeling (born 9 April 1966 in Haarlemmermeer) is a Dutch sport shooter.
- Hennie van der Velde
Hennie van der Velde (born 9 July 1944) is a Dutch former swimmer.
- Hennie de Romijn
Hennie de Romijn (born 23 February 1968) is a Dutch former footballer, who played as a left back.
- Hennie Bosman
Henry (Hennie) Bosman is a South African karate instructor, ex–world karate champion, stunt man and actor.
- Hennie Bekker (rugby player)
Hendrik Johannes Bekker (born 12 September 1952 in Nuwerus, Western Cape, South Africa is a former South African rugby union player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Hennie Numerology: Name Hennie has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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