
What does the name Hennessy mean? What is the meaning of the name Hennessy

Meaning of Hennessy: Name Hennessy in the Irish origin, means Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse. Name Hennessy is of Irish origin and is a Boy name.

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Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse
1 word with 8 characters
Pythagorean Numerology
Indian Vedic Numerology
Nakshatra (Birth Star)
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Meaning and Origin

Meaning and Origin
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Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ अरुण ]

Example: Arun of Sanskrit origin - [ ARR-UHN ]


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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hennessy: Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse

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Famous people with name Hennessy (Namesakes)

  1. Neil Hennessy

    Neil Kevin Hennessy (born December 12, 1978) is a punk rock musician, music producer and engineer from Chicago, Illinois.

  2. John L. Hennessy

    John Leroy Hennessy (born September 22, 1952) is an American computer scientist, academician, businessman, and Chair of Alphabet Inc.

  3. Jill Hennessy

    Jillian Noel Hennessy (born November 25, 1968) is a Canadian actress and musician.

  4. Jacqueline Hennessy

    Jacqueline Hennessy (born November 25, 1968) is a Canadian journalist, television host, and occasional actress.

  5. Peter Hennessy

    Peter John Hennessy, Baron Hennessy of Nympsfield, (born 28 March 1947) is an English historian and academic specialising in the history of government.

  6. Kevin Hennessy

    Kevin Hennessy (born 8 March 1961) is an Irish retired hurler who played as a left-corner forward for the Cork senior team.

    Born in Midleton, County Cork, Hennessy first arrived on the inter-county scene at the age of 18 when he first linked up with the Cork minor team, before later lining out with the under-21 side.

  7. Josh Hennessy

    Joshua Hennessy (born February 7, 1985) is an American professional ice hockey player who is currently an unrestricted free agent.

  8. Jackie Hennessy

    Jackie Hennessy was an Irish footballer who played with St.

  9. Joe Hennessy

    Joseph Patrick "Joe" Hennessy (born 17 January 1956) is an Irish retired hurler who played as a right wing-back for the Kilkenny senior team.

    Born in Kilkenny, Hennessy first played competitive hurling during his schooling at CBS Kilkenny.

  10. Jill Hennessy (politician)

    Jill Hennessy (born 17 March 1972) is an Australian politician.

  11. John Hennessy (American football)

    John William Hennessy (born March 12, 1955) was an American football player.

  12. Liam Hennessy (coach)

    Liam Hennessy FRAMI is an Exercise Physiologist, Strength and conditioning coach and former international athlete, who competed in the Pole Vault.

  13. Rosemary Hennessy

    Rosemary Hennessy (2 March 1950), is a Professor of English and Director of the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Rice University.

  14. Barry Hennessy

    Barry Hennessy (born 14 October 1989) is an Irish hurler who plays as a goalkeeper for club side Kilmallock and at inter-county level with the Limerick senior hurling team.

  15. Hermione (Hennessy) Ross

    Hermione Ross (born 7 February 1966) is a British singer-songwriter and joint owner of H&I Music.

  16. Thomas Hennessy (American football)

    Thomas Hennessy (born June 11, 1994) is an American football long snapper for the New York Jets of the National Football League (NFL).

  17. Jacob Hennessy

    Jacob Michael Hennessy (born 10 August 1996 in St Neots) is a British cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team Canyon DHB p/b Soreen.

  18. Sumiko Hennessy

    Sumiko Tanaka Hennessy (born November 8, 1937) is an American social worker, trauma therapist, academic, and activist for the Asian-American community in Denver, Colorado.

Do you know any famous people named Hennessy, let us know and we would update the information.

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Pushya Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details

Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1

Baby Name Hennessy Numerology: Name Hennessy has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about name Hennessy

What is the meaning of Hennessy?
Name Hennessy means Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse as per The ParentZ Baby Name Finder, largest baby names list. Learn more Hennessy Name Meaning and Origin.
What is the numerology of baby name Hennessy?
Name Hennessy has numerology 8 as per The ParentZ.
What is the lucky number of name Hennessy?
The lucky number of name Hennessy is 8 as per number numerology.
What is the length of Hennessy name?
The name Hennessy has 8 letters. The name Hennessy consists of 1 word with 8 characters.
What is the Nakshatra of Hennessy?
Name Hennessy belongs to Pushya nakshatra based on Indian Astrology or Janam Nakshatra as per the information available on The ParentZ.
Where does the name Hennessy come from?
Hennessy is a Irish name given to Boys as per The ParentZ.
What is the origin of the name Hennessy?
The name Hennessy is of Irish origin and is used within communities.
What does Hennessy mean?
Name Hennessy means Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse as per The ParentZ
What does the name Hennessy mean?
Hennessy is of Irish origin and means Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse as per The ParentZ
What is the meaning and origin of the baby name Hennessy?
Hennessy means Irish - Descendant of Angus; Variation of Henessey and Hennesse and is a Irish name given to Boys as per The ParentZ
How can I suggest alternate meaning of the name Hennessy?
You can use our suggest meaning and origin form to suggest alternate meaning of the name Hennessy.