What does the name Hendrie mean? What is the meaning of the name Hendrie
Meaning of Hendrie: Name Hendrie in the Old English origin, means A surname of the Scottish Clan Henderson, Son of Henry. Name Hendrie is of Old English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hendrie are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hendrie: A surname of the Scottish Clan Henderson, Son of Henry
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Famous people with name Hendrie (Namesakes)
- Stephen Hendrie
Stephen Hendrie (born 8 January 1995) is a Scottish professional footballer who plays for Kilmarnock.
- Phil Hendrie
Philip Stephen Hendrie (born September 1, 1952) is an American radio personality, actor, and voiceover artist.
- Lee Hendrie
Lee Andrew Hendrie (born 18 May 1977) is an English former professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Rae Hendrie
Rae Hendrie (born 30 November 1976 in Selkirk) is a Scottish actress known for her role as Jess Mackenzie in BBC TV series Monarch of the Glen.
- John Hendrie (Scottish footballer)
John Grattan Hendrie (born 24 October 1963) is a Scottish former professional association footballer who played on the right wing or in attack.
- Hendrie Krüzen
Hendrik "Hendrie" Krüzen (born 24 November 1964 in Almelo, Overijssel) is a retired Dutch footballer who played as a left midfielder.
- Paul Hendrie
Paul Hendrie (born 27 March 1954) is a Scottish former football midfielder who made nearly 400 professional appearances.
- Tom Hendrie
Thomas Hendrie (born, 24 October 1955) is a Scottish former professional football player and manager.
- John Hendrie (Australian footballer)
John Hendrie (born 11 June 1953) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Hawthorn in the VFL during the 1970s.
Hendrie attended Scotch College, Melbourne from 1968-1971 and was a member of the first XVIII for three years, being vice-captain of the premiership winning side in his final year of school.
A half forward, Hendrie was a good mark and had a sweeping left foot kick.
- Joseph Hendrie
Joseph Mallam Hendrie (born March 18, 1925) is a former chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
- Stuart Hendrie
Stuart Scott Hendrie (born 1 November 1989) is an English professional footballer who plays for Midland Football League Division Two side Montpellier, where he plays as a striker.
- John Somerville-Hendrie
John William Somerville-Hendrie (born 22 June 1983) is an English cricketer.
- Luke Hendrie
Luke John Hendrie (born 7 August 1994) is an English professional footballer who plays as a defender for League Two club Grimsby Town.
- Gerald Hendrie
Gerald Mills Hendrie, (born 28 October 1935; at Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex), is an English scholar, composer, organist, pianist and harpsichordist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Hendrie Numerology: Name Hendrie has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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