What does the name Hema mean? What is the meaning of the name Hema
Meaning of Hema: Name Hema in the Indian origin, means Dew Drop ; Golden, the earth, Handsome. Name Hema is of Indian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Hema are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Hema (Namesakes)
- Hema Malini
Hema Malini (born 16 October 1948) is an Indian actress, writer, director, producer, dancer and politician.
- Pana Hema Taylor
Pana Hema Taylor (born 1989) is a New Zealand television actor of Māori heritage, best known for his roles in Spartacus, The Brokenwood Mysteries and Westside.
- Hema Gamang
Hema Gamang (born 31 March 1961) is a political and social worker and a Member of Parliament elected from the Koraput constituency in the Indian state of Odisha as an Indian National Congress candidate.
Gamang was born on 31 March 1961 in Khilapadar in Koraput district, Odisha.
- Ratu Hemas
Ratu Hemas of Yogyakarta (born 31 October 1952) is the Queen consort of Yogyakarta, a special region in Indonesia.
- Hema Polovili
Hemaloto Polovili (born 27 July 1997) is a Tongan footballer who plays as a forward for Lotoha'apai United and the Tonga national football team.
- Hema Bharali
Hema Bharali (born 19 February 1919) is an Indian freedom activist, social worker, Sarvodaya leader and Gandhian, known for her contributions for the empowerment of women and efforts towards the upliftment of the socially and financially challenged sections of the society.
- Hema Premadasa
Hema Premadasa (née Wickramatunge) (born 27 October 1935) is a former First Lady of Sri Lanka.
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Pushya Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Hema Numerology: Name Hema has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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