What does the name Helmut mean? What is the meaning of the name Helmut
Meaning of Helmut: Name Helmut in the British, German origin, means Defence, Protection, guard. Name Helmut is of British, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Helmut are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Helmut: Defence, Protection, guard
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Famous people with name Helmut (Namesakes)
- Helmuts Balderis
Helmuts Balderis-Sildedzis (born 31 July 1952) is a retired Latvian and Soviet ice hockey player.
- Helmut Marko
Helmut Marko LL.D., (born 27 April 1943) is an Austrian former professional racing driver and current advisor to the Red Bull GmbH Formula One Teams and head of Red Bull's driver development program.
- Helmut Bakaitis
Helmut Bakaitis (born 26 September 1944) is a German Australian director, actor and screenwriter.
- Helmut Berger
Helmut Berger (German pronunciation: [ˈhɛlmuːt ˈbɛʁɡɐ] (listen); born Helmut Steinberger; 29 May 1944) is an Austrian film and television actor.
- Helmut Lotti
Helmut Lotti (born Helmut Barthold Johannes Alma Lotigiers; 22 October 1969), is a Belgian tenor and singer-songwriter.
- Helmut Kremers
Helmut Kremers (born 24 March 1949) is a former German football player.
- Helmut Oberlander
Helmut Oberlander (born 15 February 1924) is a former naturalized Canadian citizen who was a member of the Einsatzgruppen death squads of Nazi Germany in the occupied Soviet Union during World War II. Oberlander is on the Simon Wiesenthal Center's list of most wanted Nazi war criminals.
- Helmut Dähne
Helmut Dähne (also rendered as Daehne or Dahne, born 29 November 1944 in Altenmark, Germany) is a German former motorcycle racer, active not in Grand Prix races, for which the rather tall Dähne (190 cm) is not well suited, but in endurance racing with production machines, comparable to touring cars and rallying with automobiles.
- Helmut Lang (artist)
Helmut Lang (born 10 March 1956) is an Austrian artist and former fashion designer who lives and works in New York and on Long Island.
- Helmut Bellingrodt
Helmut Bellingrodt (born 10 July 1949) is a Colombian Olympic sports shooter who won two Olympic silver medals.
- Helmut Gutiérrez
Helmut Enrique Gutiérrez Zapana (born July 2, 1984) is a Bolivian footballer, who currently plays for Oriente Petrolero in the Bolivian Primera División.
- Helmut Riegler
Helmut Riegler (born October 13, 1976) is an Austria international footballer who played for clubs including Union St.
- Helmut Sandmann
Helmut Sandmann (born 21 December 1944) is a retired German football player.
- Helmut Pfleger
Helmut Pfleger (born August 6, 1943) is a German chess grandmaster and author.
- Helmut Ashley
Helmut Ashley or Helmuth Ashley (born 17 September 1919) is an Austrian cinematographer, television and film director.
- Helmut Sohmen
Helmut Sohmen (born 10 December 1939 in Linz, Austria) is an Austrian lawyer and businessman in Hong Kong.
- Helmut Kapitulski
Helmut Kapitulski (born 29 September 1934) is a former German footballer.
- Helmut Stein
Helmut Stein (born November 9, 1942) is a German former footballer.
- Helmut Graf
Helmut Graf (born 8 February 1963) is an Austrian football manager and former footballer who played as a defender.
- Helmut Längle
Helmut Längle (born 29 September 1936) is an Austrian wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Helmut Numerology: Name Helmut has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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