What does the name Helle mean? What is the meaning of the name Helle
Meaning of Helle: Name Helle in the Greek origin, means 'Blessed, holy'; Daughter of Athamas and Nephele; A variant of Old Norse name Hella meaning Flat stone; Flag stone or Flat mountain. Name Helle is of Greek origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Helle: 'Blessed, holy'; Daughter of Athamas and Nephele; A variant of Old Norse name Hella meaning Flat stone; Flag stone or Flat mountain
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Famous people with name Helle (Namesakes)
- Marius Helle
Marius Helle (born 11 August 1983) is a former Norwegian footballer.
- Helle Frederiksen
Helle Frederiksen (born 5 March 1981 in Odense, Funen) is a Danish professional triathlete.
- Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Helle Thorning-Schmidt (Danish pronunciation: [ˈhelə ˈtsʰoɐ̯ne̝ŋ ˈsme̝t]; born 14 December 1966) is a retired Danish politician who served as the 26th Prime Minister of Denmark from 2011 to 2015, and Leader of the Social Democrats from 2005 to 2015.
- Helle Fagralid
- Helle Nielsen
Helle Nielsen (born 20 July 1981) is a Danish badminton player.
- Helle Simonsen (curler)
Helle Simonsen (born September 7, 1984 in Hvidovre) is a Danish curler.
- Helle Thomsen
Helle Thomsen (born 30 November 1970) is a Danish handball coach and former player.
- Achuta
- Helle Juul
Helle Juul (born 1954) is a Danish architect.
- Helle Jensen
Helle Jensen (born 23 March 1969) is a Danish former football forward who played for the Denmark women's national football team.
- Helle Bjerregaard
Helle Bjerregaard (born (1968 -06-21)21 June 1968) is a Danish football goalkeeper who played for the Denmark women's national football team at the 1996 Summer Olympics, but did not play.
- Helle Helle
Helle Helle (born 1965 as Helle Olsen but later named Helle Krogh Hansen) is a widely translated Danish short story writer and novelist.
- Helle Rotbøll
Helle Rotbøll (born 8 October 1963) is a Danish footballer who played as a defender for the Denmark women's national football team.
- Helle Tuxen
Helle Tuxen is a Norwegian diver.
- Helle Fastrup
Helle Fastrup (born 6 November 1951) is a Danish actress.
- Helle Aro
Helle Aro (born 9 December 1960) is an Estonian athlete.
- Helle Sparre
Helle Sparre (born 30 June 1956) is a former professional tennis player from Denmark.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Helle Numerology: Name Helle has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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