What does the name Heinrich mean? What is the meaning of the name Heinrich
Meaning of Heinrich: Name Heinrich in the German, Dutch origin, means Ruler of the Home. Name Heinrich is of German, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Heinrich are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Heinrich (Namesakes)
- Keith Heinrich
Keith Charles Heinrich (born March 19, 1979) is a former American football tight end.
- Cláudio Heinrich
Cláudio Heinrich (born November 20, 1972) is a Brazilian film and television actor and Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor.
- Jörg Heinrich
Jörg Heinrich (born 6 December 1969) is a German football manager and former footballer.
- Martin Heinrich
Martin Trevor Heinrich (; born October 17, 1971) is an American politician and businessman serving as the junior United States Senator from New Mexico since 2013.
- Heinrich Brüssow
Heinrich Wilhelm Brüssow (born 21 July 1986) is a former South African rugby union player.
- Prince Heinrich of Hanover
Prince Heinrich of Hanover (Heinrich Julius Christian Otto Friedrich Franz Anton Günter; born 29 April 1961) is a historian and publisher in Göttingen with publishing firm MatrixMedia.
- Roy Heinrich
Roy Heinrich, born Elroy Paul Heinrich, Jr., July 31, 1953, is a country music singer and songwriter born in Houston, Texas.
- Heinrich Popow
Heinrich Popow (born 14 July 1983) is a German sprinter.
- Prince Heinrich VIII Reuss of Köstritz
Prince Heinrich VIII Reuss of Köstritz (German: Heinrich VIII Prinz Reuß zu Köstritz; born 30 August 1944) is a son of Prince Heinrich I Reuss of Köstritz, and is a member of the House of Reuss.
- Jack Heinrich
John Herbert "Jack" Heinrich, (born December 20, 1936) was a commercial and real estate lawyer and political figure in British Columbia.
- Márk Heinrich
Márk Heinrich (born 22 July 1989 in Sopron) is a Hungarian footballer who currently plays for Soproni VSE.
- Heinrich Klaasen
Heinrich Klaasen (born 30 July 1991) is a South African cricketer who plays for the South African national cricket team.
- Andrea Heinrich
Andrea Heinrich (born 17 February 1972) is a German former footballer.
- Heinrich Bergmüller
Heinrich Bergmüller (born 26 October 1952) is an Austrian bobsledder.
- Christian Heinrich
- Heinrich Rodgers
Pieter Heinrich Rodgers (born 23 June 1962) is a South African former rugby union player.
- Heinrich Füls
Heinrich Theodor Füls (born 8 March 1971) is a South African former rugby union player.
- Heinrich Münzberger
Heinrich Münzberger (born 10 June 1946) is an Austrian sports shooter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Heinrich Numerology: Name Heinrich has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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