What does the name Heino mean? What is the meaning of the name Heino
Meaning of Heino: Name Heino in the German, Dutch origin, means ruler of the estate. Name Heino is of German, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Heino are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Heino (Namesakes)
- Reino Heino
Reino Heino (born 28 June 1941) is a Finnish gymnast.
- Iikka Heino
Iikka Heino (born 9 January 1995) is a Finnish male badminton player.
His brother Eetu Heino also a professional badminton players.
- Heino Bezuidenhout
Heino Bezuidenhout (born 13 March 1997) is a South African rugby union player.
- Heino
Heino (born 13 December 1938 as Heinz Georg Kramm) is a German singer of Schlager and traditional Volksmusik.
- Pekka Heino (television presenter)
Pekka Heino (born July 17, 1961) is a television host and presenter from Turku (Åbo).
- Christopher Heino-Lindberg
Kalle Christopher Jonathan Heino-Lindberg (born January 29, 1985, Helsingborg, Sweden) is a Swedish former professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Heino Kuhn
Heino Gunther Kuhn (born 1 April 1984) is a South African cricketer who has played for the national team.
- Heino Ferch
Heino Ferch (born 18 August 1963) is a German film, theatre and television actor.
- Heino Senekal
Johannes Hendrik "Heino" Senekal (born 20 October 1975 in Tsumeb) is a retired Namibian rugby union lock.
- Heino Hansen
Arvo Heino Raudanma Hansen (born 24 September 1947) is a Danish former professional footballer who played 31 games and scored five goals for the Danish national team from 1972 to 1978, and represented Denmark at the 1972 Summer Olympics football tournament.
- Pekka Heino (singer)
Pekka Ansio Heino (born 6 January 1976) is a Finnish singer.
- Henri Heino
Henri Heino (born June 14, 1986) is a Finnish professional ice hockey forward who currently plays for Jokerit of the SM-liiga.
- Heino Enden
- Teemu Heino
Teemu Olavi Heino (born December 15, 1976 in Kokemäki) is a Finnish taekwondo practitioner, who competed in the men's heavyweight category.
- Heino Pehk
Heino Pehk (born 25 December 1940 in Põlva County, Estonia) is Estonian choir conductor and music teacher.
- Eetu Heino
Eetu Antti Oskari Heino (born 5 September 1988) is a Finnish badminton player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Heino Numerology: Name Heino has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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