What does the name Heike mean? What is the meaning of the name Heike
Meaning of Heike: Name Heike in the German origin, means Germanic - House Owner; Lord of the manor; A Feminine form of name Heiko. Name Heike is of German origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Heike (Namesakes)
- Heike Hofmann
Heike Hofmann (born 16 April 1972) is a statistician.
- Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt
Heike Brötz-Oesterhelt (born 12 May 1968, in Neuwied) is a German microbiologist.
- Heike Makatsch
Heike Makatsch (born 13 August 1971) is a German actress and singer.
- Heike Drechsler
Heike Gabriela Drechsler (German pronunciation: [ˈhaɪkə ɡabʁiˈeːlaː ˈdʁɛkslɐ]; née Daute; born 16 December 1964) is a German former track and field athlete who represented East Germany and later Germany.
- Heike Faber
Heike Faber (born 5 May 1965 in Berlin, Germany) is a German television actress.
- Heike Wezel
Heike Wezel (born October 19, 1968 in Klingenthal, Saxony) is a former German cross-country skier who competed from 1990 to 1994.
- Heike Koerner
Heike Koerner Romo (born September 23, 1973) is a retired female backstroke swimmer from Mexico.
- Heike Lehmann
Heike Lehmann (later Grund now Weber, born 29 March 1962) is a female German former volleyball player who competed for East Germany in the 1980 Summer Olympics.
She was born in Neustrelitz.
- Heike Dähne
Heike Dähne (later Möller then Dähne-Kummerow, born 15 October 1961) is a German former swimmer.
- Heike John
Heike John (now Heike Walpot; born 19 June 1960) is a retired German swimmer and former astronaut candidate.
- Heike Raab
Heike Raab (born April 8, 1965) is a German politician (SPD), currently serving as Deputy Minister of the Interior, for Sports and Infrastructure of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
- Heike Werner
Heike Werner (born 30 January 1969 in Berlin) is a German politician of the Left Party who has been Minister of Labor, Social Affairs, Health, Women, and Family on Thuringia's Left-led cabinet since the 2014 state election.
- Heike Matthiesen
Heike Matthiesen (born 27 June 1964) is one of Germany's leading classical guitarists whose virtuosity and spirited performance, coupled with a charismatic stage presence, are regularly highlighted by the press.
- Heike Rimbeau
Heike Rimbeau (née Landvogt; born 17 April 1959) is a German disco singer, known for being a member of the German disco trio, Arabesque.
- Heike Eder
Heike Eder (born 30 May 1988), also known as Heike Tuertscher or Heike Türtscher, is an Austrian Paralympic female alpine skier.
- Heike Rusch
Heike Rusch (born 2 July 1976) is a former professional tennis player from Germany.
- Heike Hoffmann
- Heike Ulmer
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- Sakriya
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Heike Numerology: Name Heike has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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