What does the name Hei mean? What is the meaning of the name Hei
Meaning of Hei: Name Hei in the German origin, means Grace, beauty, charm. Name Hei is of German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Hei are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hei (Namesakes)
- Chung Kin Hei
Chung Kin Hei (Chinese: 鍾健希; Cantonese Yale: Jūng Gihn Hēi; born 20 September 1972 in Hong Kong) is a retired Hong Kong footballer, who played in the left back position.
- Chan Cham Hei
Chan Cham Hei (Chinese: 陳湛羲; Cantonese Yale: Chàn Jaamhēi, born 17 June 1991 in Hong Kong) is a former Hong Kong professional football player who plays as a left-back and is currently a free agent.
- Lee Hei-chun
Lee Hei-Chun (이혜천, b.
- Mark T. Vande Hei
Mark Thomas Vande Hei (born November 10, 1966) is a retired United States Army officer and NASA astronaut who served as a flight Engineer for Expedition 53 and 54 on the International Space Station.
- Cheung Chun Hei
Cheung Chun Hei (Chinese: 張晉僖; Cantonese Yale: Jēung Jeunhēi ; born 3 April 1991 in Hong Kong), is a Hong Kong footballer who plays for Hong Kong First Division League club Sun Pegasus, as a Centre-Back.
- Chan Man Hei
Chan Man Hei (born 2 November 1981) is a Macanese footballer who plays as a midfielder for GD Lam Pak.
- Lo Kin-hei
Lo Kin-hei (Chinese: 羅健熙; born 1 June 1984) is the Vice-Chairman of the Democratic Party and Southern District Councillor for Lei Tung II constituency.
- Mok Sau Hei
Mok Sau Hei (born 24 January 1941) is a former Hong Kong cyclist.
- Lee Chun Hei
Reginald Lee Chun Hei (Chinese: 李晉熙; pinyin: Lǐ Jìnxī; Jyutping: lei5 zeon3 hei1, born January 25, 1994) is a Hong Kong badminton player.
- Sajan
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Hei Numerology: Name Hei has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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