What does the name Hawkins mean? What is the meaning of the name Hawkins
Meaning of Hawkins: Name Hawkins in the Germanic origin, means Germanic - House Owner; Lord of the Manor; A variant of the name Hawk. Name Hawkins is of Germanic origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hawkins: Germanic - House Owner; Lord of the Manor; A variant of the name Hawk
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Famous people with name Hawkins (Namesakes)
- Sophie B. Hawkins
Sophie Ballantine Hawkins (born November 1, 1964) is an American singer-songwriter, musician and painter.
- Taylor Hawkins
Oliver Taylor Hawkins (born February 17, 1972) is an American musician, best known as the drummer for the rock band Foo Fighters.
- Ronnie Hawkins
Ronald Hawkins, OC, (born January 10, 1935) is an American/Canadian rock and roll musician whose career has spanned more than half a century.
- Justin Hawkins
Justin David Hawkins (born 17 March 1975) is an English musician, singer and songwriter, best known for being the lead singer and lead guitarist of the Darkness.
- Trip Hawkins
William Murray Hawkins III (born December 28, 1953) is an American entrepreneur and founder of Electronic Arts, The 3DO Company, and Digital Chocolate.
- Jennifer Hawkins
Jennifer Hawkins (born 22 December 1983) is an Australian model, television presenter and beauty queen best known for being crowned Miss Universe Australia and later the same year Miss Universe 2004.
- Tramaine Hawkins
Tramaine Aunzola Richardson , (nee’ Davis) known professionally as Tramaine Hawkins (born October 11, 1951), is an American award–winning Gospel singer whose career spans over five decades.
- Hersey Hawkins
Hersey R. Hawkins Jr. (born September 29, 1966) is an American retired professional basketball player.
- Petri Hawkins-Byrd
Petri Hawkins-Byrd (born Petri Adonis Byrd; November 29, 1957 Brooklyn, New York), better known as Byrd, is a television personality, known for his role as bailiff on the court program Judge Judy.
- Carol Hawkins
Carol Hawkins (born 31 January 1949 in Barnet, Hertfordshire) is an English actress.
- Howie Hawkins
Howard Gresham Hawkins (born December 8, 1952) is an American trade unionist and activist from New York.
- Sally Hawkins
Sally Cecilia Hawkins (born 27 April 1976) is an English actress.
- Charlotte Hawkins
Charlotte Mary Hawkins (born 16 May 1975) is an English television and radio presenter, newsreader and journalist currently employed by ITV and Classic FM.
Hawkins joined ITV's Meridian Tonight in 2003, hosting its main news programme, leaving in 2006 to become co-presenter of Sky's breakfast programme Sunrise with Eamonn Holmes.
- Cole Hawkins
Cole East Hawkins (born October 4, 1991) is an American actor in both television and film.
- Curt Hawkins
Brian Myers (born April 20, 1985) is an American professional wrestler and promoter.
- Tim Hawkins
Timothy Aaron Hawkins (born March 30, 1968) is an American Christian comedian, songwriter, and singer, best known for parodying popular songs such as Carrie Underwood's "Jesus, Take the Wheel", Kansas's "Dust in the Wind", and "The Candy Man", along with stand-up material based on topics such as marriage, homeschooling, and parenting.
- LaRoyce Hawkins
LaRoyce Hawkins (born May 4, 1988) is an American actor, stand-up comic, spoken word artist, and musician.
- Corey Hawkins
Corey Antonio Hawkins (born October 22, 1988) is an American actor and singer.
- Josh Hawkins
Joshua Rashard Hawkins (born January 23, 1993) is an American football cornerback for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL).
- Jaylinn Hawkins
Jaylinn Hawkins (born August 25, 1997) is an American football safety for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Hawkins Numerology: Name Hawkins has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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