What does the name Hassoun mean? What is the meaning of the name Hassoun
Meaning of Hassoun: Name Hassoun in the Jewish origin, means Judaism surname. Name Hassoun is of Jewish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hassoun are usually Judaism, Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hassoun (Namesakes)
- Wassef Ali Hassoun
Wassef Ali Hassoun (Arabic: واصف علي حسون; born January 1, 1980) was a United States Marine who was charged with desertion for leaving his unit and engaging with others in a hoax to make it appear that he had been captured by terrorists on June 19, 2004 while serving in Iraq.
- Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun
Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun (Arabic: أحمد بدر الدين حسون; born 25 April 1949) is the Grand Mufti of Syria since 2005.
- Shatha Hassoun
Shatha Amjad Al-Hassoun (Arabic: شذى أمجد الحسون; born 3 March 1981 in Casablanca, Morocco), better known as Shatha Hassoun (Arabic: شذى حسون), is an Arab singer of Iraqi and Moroccan ancestry, who rose to fame as the winner of the 4th season of the pan-Arab television talent show Star Academy Arab World.
- Hassoun Camara
Hassoun Camara (born 3 February 1986) is a French former professional footballer.
- Malek Hassoun
Malek Ibrahim Hassoun (Arabic: مالك ابراهيم حسون; born 10 June 1975) is a Lebanese former professional footballer who played as a midfielder for Ansar and the Lebanon national team.
- Mohamed Hassoun
Mohamed Hassoun (Arabic: محمد حسون; born 9 June 1968) is a Syrian wrestler.
- Abdullah Hassoun
Abdullah Hassoun Tarmin (Arabic: عبدالله حسون ترمين; born 19 March 1997) is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a right-back for Saudi Pro League side Al-Ahli.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Hassoun Numerology: Name Hassoun has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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