What does the name Hashem mean? What is the meaning of the name Hashem?
Meaning of Hashem: Name Hashem in the Hebrew origin, means 'Thank God' (literally, 'Blessed be God').. Name Hashem is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hashem are usually Judaism by religion.
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Meaning and Origin
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Origin | Meaning | Gender |
Hebrew | Hashem means “the name”. It is what Jewish people use to refer to God, as they do not say God’s name. It is not a name for people. | Boy |
added by anonymous on Jun 14, 2023 from United States |
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Famous people with name Hashem (Namesakes)
- Hashem Heydari
Hashem Heydari is an Iranian football Midfielder who played for Iran and Esteghlal FC.
- Hashem Al-Ghaili
Hashem Al-Ghaili (born in Yemen, August 11, 1990) is a science communicator and a video producer.
- M. Hashem Pesaran
Mohammad Hashem Pesaran (born 30 March 1946) is a British-Iranian economist.
He received his BSc in economics at the University of Salford (England) and his PhD in Economics at Cambridge University.
- Prince Hashem bin Abdullah
Prince Hashem bin Abdullah (Arabic: هاشم بن عبد الله; born 30 January 2005) is the fourth child and second son of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania.
- Hashem Beikzadeh
Hashem Beikzadeh (Persian: هاشم بیک زاده, born January 22, 1984 in Tehran) is former Iranian football defender.
- John Hashem
John Hashem (born May 15, 1987) is a former professional Canadian football offensive tackle.
- Mohamed Hashem
Mohamed Alaa Hashem (born 23 January 1988) is an Egyptian handball player for Aviation SC and the Egyptian national team.
- Hashem Khan (artist)
Hashem Khan (born April 16, 1941) is a Bangladeshi painter.
- Hashem Khastar
Hashem Khastar (Persian: هاشم خواستار; born June 2, 1953) is a former teacher at the Agriculture Technical High School in Mashhad in northeastern Iran, and an agricultural engineer and the Head of the Mashhad Teachers Union.
- Hashem Kolahi
Hashem Kolahi (born 22 April 1956) is an Iranian wrestler.
- Hashem Farajzadeh
Hashem Farajzadeh (Persian: هاشم فرج زاده, born 27 March 1983) is an Iranian futsal player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Hashem Numerology: Name Hashem has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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