What does the name Hartmann mean? What is the meaning of the name Hartmann
Meaning of Hartmann: Name Hartmann in the German origin, means Hard, Strong man. Name Hartmann is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hartmann are usually Sikh by religion.
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Famous people with name Hartmann (Namesakes)
- Thom Hartmann
Thomas Carl Hartmann (born May 7, 1951) is an American radio personality, author, former psychotherapist, businessman, and progressive political commentator.
- Oliver Hartmann
Oliver Hartmann (born June 28, 1970 in Rüsselsheim, Germany) is a German metal vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, and producer who performed in various acts, either as guitarist, solo or choir singer.
- Matthew Hartmann
Matthew James Calibjo "Matt" Hartmann (born 19 August 1989) is a Filipino footballer who most recently played as a central midfielder for Southern Football League Premier Division South club Gosport Borough F.C., and has represented the Philippines at international level.
- Florence Hartmann
Florence Hartmann (born 17 February 1963) is a French journalist and author.
- Jürgen Hartmann
Jürgen Hartmann (born 27 October 1962 in Lahr) is a German football coach and retired midfielder who played during the 1980s and 1990s.
- Manuel Hartmann
Manuel Hartmann (born 26 March 1984 in Esslingen am Neckar, Baden-Württemberg) is a German footballer playing for TSV Schilksee.
- Heidi Hartmann
Heidi I. Hartmann is a feminist economist who is founder and president of the Washington-based Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR), a research organization created to conduct women-centered, public policy research.
- Brett Hartmann
Brett Hartmann (born August 17, 1987) is a former American football punter and kickoff specialist.
- Mark Hartmann
Mark Andrew Calibjo Hartmann (born 20 January 1992) is a Filipino footballer who plays as a striker for Malaysia Super League club Petaling Jaya City and the Philippines national team.
- Jason Hartmann
Jason Hartmann (born March 23, 1981) is a NCAA coach and a former American long-distance runner who specializes in marathon races.
- Marco Hartmann
Marco Hartmann (born 25 February 1988) is a German footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Dynamo Dresden.
- Niklas Hartmann
Niklas Hartmann (born 9 December 1989) is a German footballer who plays for Hessen Kassel.
- Richard Hartmann (ice hockey)
Richard Hartmann (born November 7, 1975) is a Slovak former professional ice hockey forward who last played for the Braehead Clan in the Elite Ice Hockey League as player/assistant coach.
- Christoph Hartmann
Christoph Georg Hartmann (born 21 May 1972 in Essen) is a German politician who is a member of the FDP. From 10 November 2009 until 18 January 2012 he was the secretary to the Minister-president of Saarland and the Saarland Minister for Economy and Science.
- Eduard Hartmann
Eduard Hartmann (born 5 June 1965 in Skalica, Czechoslovakia) is a Slovak ice hockey coach and former international ice hockey goaltender.
- Lukas Hartmann
Lukas Hartmann (29 August 1944 born as Hans-Rudolf Lehmann) is a Swiss novelist and children's writer, who is well known in German-speaking countries.
- Alex Hartmann
Alexander Hartmann (born 7 March 1993) is an Australian sprinter who competes primarily in the 200 metres and qualified for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Fabrice Hartmann
- Alina Hartmann
Alina Hartmann (born 23 October 1995 in Bamberg) is a German basketball player, currently playing for Mataro Parc in Spain.
- Nikola Hartmann
Nikola Hartmann (born 5 June 1975) is an Austrian freestyle wrestler.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Hartmann Numerology: Name Hartmann has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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