What does the name Harriet mean? What is the meaning of the name Harriet
Meaning of Harriet: Name Harriet in the English, French origin, means Rules the Home. Name Harriet is of English, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Harriet are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Harriet (Namesakes)
- Harriet Harman
Harriet Ruth Harman (born 30 July 1950) is a British solicitor and Labour politician serving as a Member of Parliament (MP) since 1982, first for Peckham and then its successor constituency of Camberwell and Peckham since 1997.
- Harriet Miers
Harriet Ellan Miers (born August 10, 1945) is an American lawyer who served as White House Counsel to President George W. Bush from 2005 to 2007.
- Harriet Sansom Harris
Harriet Sansom Harris (born January 8, 1955), often credited as Harriet Harris, is an American actress known for her theater performances and for her portrayals of Bebe Glazer on Frasier and Felicia Tilman on Desperate Housewives.
- Harriet Andersson
Harriet Andersson (born 14 February 1932) is a Swedish actress, best known outside Sweden for being part of director Ingmar Bergman's stock company.
- Harriet Wheeler
- Harriet Walter
Dame Harriet Mary Walter (born 24 September 1950) is an English stage and screen actress.
- Harriet McDougal
Harriet Popham McDougal Rigney (born August 4, 1939) is an editor who worked on several best-selling fantasy books, including the Wheel of Time series written by her husband, Robert Jordan.
- Harriet Thorpe
Harriet Amelia Thorpe (born 8 June 1957) is an English actress.
- Harriet Hall
Harriet A. Hall (born July 2, 1945) is a U.S. retired family physician, former U.S. Air Force flight surgeon and skeptic who writes about alternative medicine and quackery for Skeptic and Skeptical Inquirer.
- Harriet A. Washington
Harriet A. Washington is an American writer.
- Harriet Green
Harriet Green (born 12 December 1961) is a British businesswoman, who was chairman and CEO of IBM Asia Pacific, and previously led three IBM business divisions: the Internet of things, customer engagement and education businesses.
- Harriet Bart
Harriet Bart is a Minneapolis based conceptual artist, known for her objects, installations, and artists books.
- Harriet Manamela
Harriet Manamela (born 13 October 1971) is a South African actress.
- Harriet Toompere
Harriet Toompere (born 22 May 1975) is an Estonian stage, television, and film actress.
- Harriet Dyer
Harriet Dyer (born 17 October 1988) is an Australian actress.
- Harriet Cains
Harriet Cains (born 17 September 1993) is an English actress, best known for her role as Jem Walker in In the Flesh.
- Harriet Kemsley
Harriet Kemsley (born 21 June 1987) is an English stand-up comedian and actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Harriet Numerology: Name Harriet has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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