What does the name Harald mean? What is the meaning of the name Harald
Meaning of Harald: Name Harald in the Swedish, Scandinavian origin, means War chief. Name Harald is of Swedish, Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Harald are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Harald (Namesakes)
- Harald Kloser
Harald Kloser (born July 9, 1956 in Hard) is an Austrian film composer, producer and screenwriter.
- Harald V of Norway
Harald V (Norwegian: [ˈhɑ̀rɑl]; born 21 February 1937) is the King of Norway, having ascended the throne upon the death of his father King Olav V on 17 January 1991.
- Harald Schmidt
Harald Franz Schmidt (born 18 August 1957) is a German actor, writer, columnist, comedian and television entertainer best known as host of two popular German late-night shows.
- Harald Zwart
Harald Zwart (born 1 July 1965) is a Dutch-Norwegian film director.
- Heinz-Harald Frentzen
Heinz-Harald Frentzen (born 18 May 1967) is a German former racing driver.
- Harald Schumacher
Harald Anton Schumacher (born 6 March 1954), commonly known as Toni Schumacher, is a German former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Harald Eia
Harald Meldal Eia (born 9 February 1966) is a Norwegian comedian, sociologist and documentarian.
- Harald Brattbakk
Harald Martin Brattbakk (born 1 February 1971 in Trondheim) is a Norwegian former football player, now working as a pilot.
- Harald Nævdal
Harald Nævdal (born 6 July 1970), known by his stage names Demonaz Doom Occulta and Demonaz, is a Norwegian musician best known as the founding guitarist and chief lyricist for the black metal band Immortal.
- Harald Lesch
Harald Lesch (born 28 July 1960 in Gießen, Hesse) is a German physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher, author, television presenter, professor of physics at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) and professor of natural philosophy at the Munich University of Philosophy.
- Harald Helfgott
Harald Andrés Helfgott (born November 25, 1977) is a Peruvian mathematician born in Lima.
- Harald Elschenbroich
Harald Elschenbroich (born 19 June 1941) is a former international tennis player from West Germany.
- Harald Hoyer
Harald Hoyer is a computer programmer and photographer, best known for developing the dracut initramfs generator and framework, the udev device manager of Linux, the systemd replacement for the System V init daemon and the Gummiboot EFI boot loader.
- Harald Grosskopf
Harald Grosskopf (or Harald Großkopf) is a German electronic musician.
- Harald Wurm
Harald Wurm (born 8 September 1984) is an Austrian cross-country skier.
- Harald Krassnitzer
Harald Krassnitzer (born 10 September 1960, in Grödig, Austria) is an Austrian actor.
- Harald Vilimsky
Harald Vilimsky (born 22 July 1966) is an Austrian politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Austria.
- Harald Krüger
Harald Krüger (born 13 October 1965 in Freiburg im Breisgau, West Germany) was the chairman of the board of management (CEO) for BMW; he was to be replaced on 16 August 2019 by Oliver Zipse, after he declined to be considered for contract renewal in 2020.
- Harald Link
Harald Link (born 12 January 1955) is a Thai-German businessman, industrialist, and philanthropist.
- Harald Leitinger
Harald "Harry" Leitinger (born 15 September 1984) is an Austrian professional darts player who competes in Professional Darts Corporation events.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Harald Numerology: Name Harald has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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