What does the name Hao mean? What is the meaning of the name Hao
Meaning of Hao: Name Hao in the Chinese origin, means Chinesee - Good; Perfect. Name Hao is of Chinese origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Hao (Namesakes)
- Yang Hao (volleyball)
Yang Hao (simplified Chinese: 杨昊; traditional Chinese: 楊昊; pinyin: Yáng Hào; born 21 March 1980 in Dalian, Liaoning) is a retired Chinese female volleyball player.
- Hao Haidong
Hao Haidong (simplified Chinese: 郝海东; traditional Chinese: 郝海東; pinyin: Hǎo Hǎidōng; born 9 May 1970) is a Chinese former international footballer.
- Chen Hao (actress)
Chen Hao (born December 9, 1979) is a Chinese actress, singer, and model.
- Wang Hao (chess player)
Wang Hao (Chinese: 王皓; pinyin: Wáng Hào; born August 4, 1989) is a Chinese chess grandmaster.
- Hao Junmin
Hao Junmin (Chinese: 蒿俊闵; pinyin: Hāo Jùnmǐn; born 24 March 1987) is a Chinese footballer who currently plays for Shandong Luneng in the Chinese Super League.
- Ning Hao
Ning Hao (Chinese: 宁浩; born 9 September 1977) is a Chinese film director.
- Hao Lei
Hao Lei (born 1 November 1978) is a Chinese actress and singer, known for her starring roles in Lou Ye's films Summer Palace (2006) and Mystery (2012).
- Hao Wei
Hao Wei (Chinese: 郝伟; pinyin: Hǎo Wěi; Mandarin pronunciation: [xàu wèi]; born December 27, 1976) is a Chinese soccer coach and former international footballer.
- Qin Hao
Qin Hao (Chinese name: Chinese: 秦昊; pinyin: Qín Hào) is a Chinese actor.
- Hao Jie
Hao Jie (born 16 October 1984) is a Chinese professional tennis player.
- Hao Haitao
Hao Haitao (Chinese: 郝海涛, born December 3, 1968) is a Chinese football coach and a former football player.
- Hao Xingchen
Hao Xingchen is a professional Chinese footballer who currently plays as a forward for Dalian Transcendence in the China League One.
- Jiang Hao
Jiang Hao (Chinese: 姜灏; Pinyin: Jiāng Hào; born 28 December 1988) is a Chinese football player who currently plays for China League One side Beijing BSU.
- Hao Yonghe
Hao Yonghe (Chinese: 郝永赫; born 29 December 1989 in Shenyang, Liaoning) is a Chinese football player.
- Hao Li
Hao Li (Chinese: 黎顥; pinyin: Lí Hào; born January 17, 1981, in Saarbrücken, West Germany) is a computer scientist, innovator, and entrepreneur from Germany, working in the fields of computer graphics and computer vision.
- Hao Jingfang
Hao Jingfang (Chinese: 郝景芳; pinyin: Hăo Jǐngfāng; born 27 July 1984), is a Chinese science fiction writer.
- Hao Jiachen
Hao Jiachen (Chinese: 郝佳晨; pinyin: Hǎo Jiāchén; Mandarin pronunciation: [xàu tɕjá ʈʂʰə̌n]; born 7 May 1990) is a Chinese speed skater.
- Lian Hao
Lian Hao (Chinese: 连浩, born 7 June 1995) is a Chinese para table tennis player.
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Punarvasu Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Hao Numerology: Name Hao has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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