What does the name Hanne mean? What is the meaning of the name Hanne
Meaning of Hanne: Name Hanne in the Scandinavian, German, Nordic origin, means Grace, charm, elegance. Name Hanne is of Scandinavian, German, Nordic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Hanne are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Hanne (Namesakes)
- Hanne Leland
Hanne Leland is a Norwegian electro-pop artist and songwriter, known for songs such as "Keep On Movin" and "QUEEN".
- Hanne Krogh
Hanne Krogh Sundbø (born 24 January 1956) is a Norwegian singer and actress from Haugesund and Oslo.
- Hanne Harlem
Hanne Harlem (born 20 November 1964) is a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party.
- Hanne Blank
Hanne Blank (born February 25, 1969) is an American historian, writer, editor and public speaker.
- Hanne Sørvaag
Hanne Margrethe Fredriksen Sørvaag (born 27 December 1979) is a Norwegian singer-songwriter.
- Hanne Hogness
Hanne Hogness (born 16 February 1967) is a Norwegian team handball player and Olympic medalist.
- Hanne Hegh
Hanne Hegh (born 27 April 1960 in Oslo) is a Norwegian team handball player and Olympic medalist.
- Hanne Hagary
Hanne Hagary (born 27 January 1989 in Amsterdam) is a Dutch footballer who currently plays as an attacking midfielder for Dutch Topklasse club FC Lisse.
- Hanne Gaby Odiele
Hanne Gaby Odiele (born 8 October 1988) is a Belgian model.
- Hanne Dahl
Hanne Dahl (born 30 August 1970) is a Danish priest and former politician from Aalborg.
- Hanne Sikiö
Hanne Erika Sikio (born March 19, 1978) is an ice hockey player who competed for Finland in ice hockey at the 2002 Winter Olympics.
- Hanne Wieder
Hanne Wieder (May 8, 1925 – May 11, 1990) was a German television and film actress.
- Hanne Gråhns
Hanne Gråhns (born 29 August 1992) is a Swedish former football midfielder who played for KIF Örebro DFF.
At the 2016 Summer Olympics Gråhns was an alternate for the Sweden national team, who came second in the tournament.
When Örebro suffered a shock relegation from the Damallsvenskan in 2017, Gråhns remained loyal to the club.
- Hanne Malmberg
Hanne Malmberg (born 19 November 1964) is a Danish former cyclist.
- Hanne Sørensen
Hanne Sørensen (born 19 July 1975) is a former women's cricketer for the Denmark national women's cricket team who played one ODIs during the 1995 Women's European Cricket Cup.
- Hanne Mestdagh
Hanne Mestdagh (born 19 April 1993) is a Belgian basketball player for BC Namur-Capitale and the Belgian national team.
She participated at the EuroBasket Women 2017.
- Hanne Skartveit
Hanne Skartveit (born 13 April 1966) is a Norwegian journalist and political editor.
- Hanne Maudens
Hanne Maudens (born 12 March 1997) is a Belgian heptathlete.
- Hanne Vataker
Hanne Vataker (born 28 May 1967) is a Norwegian sport shooter.
- Hanne Claes
Hanne Claes (born 4 August 1991 in Hasselt) is a Belgian athlete specialising first in the 200 metres and later 400 metres hurdles.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Hanne Numerology: Name Hanne has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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