What does the name Hamish mean? What is the meaning of the name Hamish
Meaning of Hamish: Name Hamish in the Scottish origin, means Supplanter; Derived from word 'Seumas,' a Scottish form of 'James.'. Name Hamish is of Scottish origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hamish: Supplanter; Derived from word 'Seumas,' a Scottish form of 'James.'
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Famous people with name Hamish (Namesakes)
- Hamish Glencross
Hamish Glencross (born 13 February 1978) is a Scottish guitarist best known for his work with the English metal band My Dying Bride.
- Hamish Marshall
Hamish John Hamilton Marshall (born 15 February 1979) is a former New Zealand cricketer, who played all formats of the game for New Zealand.
- Hamish Clark
Hamish Clark (born 26 July 1965) is a Scottish actor, best known as Duncan McKay in the BBC TV series Monarch of the Glen.
- Hamish Blake
Hamish Donald Blake (born 11 December 1981) is an Australian comedian, actor, and author from Melbourne, Victoria.
- Hamish French
Hamish Mackie French (born 7 February 1964) is a Scottish former football player and coach.
- Hamish Bennett
Hamish Kyle Bennett (born 22 February 1987) is a New Zealand international cricketer who plays for the New Zealand national cricket team.
- Hamish McIntosh
Hamish McIntosh (born 4 September 1984) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the North Melbourne Football Club and Geelong Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Hamish Bowles
Hamish Bowles (born 23 July 1963) is an English fashion journalist and editor.
- Hamish Stuart
James Hamish Stuart (born 8 October 1949, Glasgow, Scotland) is a Scottish guitarist, bassist, singer, composer and record producer.
- Hamish Macdonald (broadcaster)
Hamish Macdonald (born 18 May 1981) is an Australian broadcast journalist and news presenter.
- Hamish Rutherford
Hamish Duncan Rutherford (born 27 April 1989) is a New Zealand cricketer who plays first-class cricket for Otago and represents New Zealand in international cricket.
- Hamish Barton
Hamish Dymock Barton (born 16 July 1976) is an Auckland, Canterbury and Argentinian first class cricketer.
- Hamish Bond
Hamish Byron Bond (born 13 February 1986) is a New Zealand rower and double Olympic gold medallist at the 2012 London Olympic Games and at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.
- Hamish Gaman
Hamish Gaman (born 20 April 1983) is an English pair skater.
- Hamish Watson (rugby union)
Hamish Watson (born 15 October 1991) is a Scotland international rugby union player who plays for Edinburgh in the Pro14.
- Hamish Wallace
William Hamish Beith Wallace (born 25 October 1956) is a consultant Paediatric Oncologist at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Hamish Numerology: Name Hamish has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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